“Of the people, by the people, for the people” American Government “Of the people, by the people, for the people”
Government Civics: Study of the rights and duties of citizens. Citizens: People who have rights and duties Government: Ruling authority for a community
Discussion 1. Which rights are most important to you. 2 Discussion 1. Which rights are most important to you? 2. Which rights would you be willing to give up?
What Makes Government Work? Rule of Law: Everyone, including those who govern, must obey the law.
What Makes Government Work? Consent of the Governed: Citizens are the source of the government’s power.
What Makes Government Work? Limited Government: Government may only do the things that people have given it the power to do.
Levels of Government National (Federal) Government State Government Local Government
Types of Government Use your textbook to complete the types of government.
United States Government England’s history and several political philosophers greatly influenced American government.
Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter) King John of England was disliked by the barons in England, and he had abused his power. In 1215, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta granted rights, including equal legal treatment and a trial by one’s peers.
English Bill of Rights, 1689 Created by Parliament (England’s legislature) King could NOT: Get rid of Parliament’s laws Impose taxes or raise an army without Parliament’s consent Every citizen had the right to a fair trial and cruel and unusual punishment was banned.
Important People 1. Thomas Hobbes Wrote Leviathan Main Ideas: Social contract theory: contract between people and the government in which government uses its power to maintain order but agrees to protect its citizens
Important People 2. John Locke Wrote Second Treatise of Government Main Ideas: Natural Rights: People had divinely granted natural rights of life, liberty, and property. When the government fails to protect these rights, the people have the right to break the social contract
John Locke John Locke’s idea greatly influenced the American Declaration of Independence.
Important People 3. Montesquieu Wrote The Spirit of Laws Main Ideas: Separation of powers Rule of law (everyone must obey the laws).
First permanent English Colony. Founding of America Jamestown, Virginia 1607 First permanent English Colony.
House of Burgesses The House of Burgesses was the first representative legislature that had the power to make laws and raise taxes.