CSC Trigger Muon Port Card & Sector Processor in production Sector Processor (Florida): PPP: fully tested Full Track Finder Firmware now incorporated Total needed: 12 Muon Port Card (Rice): PPP fully tested with SP Testing w/ TMB, SP, CCB Total needed: 60 Mezzanine card TLK2501 serializers Optomodules GTLP Receivers VME Interface (glue logic) 15 X 1.6 Gb/s optical links from MPC Xilinx Virtex-2 800 User I/O
CSC Sorter & Clock Boards Muon Sorter (Rice): PPP: all inputs fully tested Integration tests w/Sector Processor successful Total needed: 1 Clock & Control Board (Rice): Rad-tolerant, total needed: 61 Testing complete - in production In peripheral crates & track-finder Basic VME interface uses discrete logic Critical functions immune to SEU VME/JTAG INTERFACE MEZZANINE CARD LVDS DRIVERS AND SCSI-3 CONNECTORS New TTCrq mezzanine w/QPLL ASIC GTLP BACKPLANE INTERFACE
CSC Track-Finder Beam Tests -- Florida, Rice, UCLA Fully operational CSC TF tested with full data format Agreement between the output of the Sector Processor (SP) with simulation based on logged inputs is 100% Agreement between the recorded trigger primitive data (via DAQ from Trigger Mother Board) and received SP data is generally at the level of 99.7% Same level of agreement as obtained from the Sep.’03 beam test The SP in conjunction with a specially modified Clock and Control Board was able to self-trigger the experiment (including RPC) Muon Sorter winner bits appear to be properly recorded New DT/CSC transition card works
Cal Trigger Receiver Cards (Wisconsin) Production testing underway. All 1420 mezzanine link cards produced and tested at UW Link Integration tests with ECAL & HCAL successful RC production started and 23 boards validated, all boards in hand (152). Bar Code Adder mezz link cards PHASE ASICs MLUs BSCAN ASICs DC-DC Front with 2 of 8 mezzanine cards & 3 Adder ASICs Back with all Phase & Boundary Scan ASICs
Production Electron Isolation Card & Prototype Jet-Summary Card (Wisconsin) SORT ASICs (w/heat sinks) EISO Bar Code Input Electron Isolation Card Production testing complete 152 working boards of 126 needed (rest are spares) Jet/Summary Card Full crate test - all output paths verified, electron sort, jet output all OK PPP tested, all boards made, assembly started, 25 needed Integration test with Global Cal Trigger successful Clock Card Production testing started All boards in hand, 6/25 tested, 18 needed Receiver Mezz. Card BSCAN ASICs Sort ASICs BSCAN Phase ASIC Oscillator Clock Input Clock delay adjust DC-DC Converters