Jamestown Founded in 1607 By: Rosie Pilla, Natalia Diaz, Janice I, Dylan
Key Terms and People John Smith Powhatan Pocahontas Church of England House of Burgesses Tobacco John Rolfe Thomas De La Warr Head Rights System Indentured Servants Gov. George Yeardley Virginia Company
History/Founding Founded in 1607 Founder: John Smith Founded by Englishmen Founded for Economic Venture Charter colony Resourceful Location
Government House Of Burgesses First legislative assembly (July 30, 1619) Governor George Yeardley 22 Burgesses (11 Plantations) Head Rights System Increased Population Granted 50 acres Use of Indentured Servants
Economy Virginia Company Jamestown Collapsed Tobacco (John Rolfe) Indentured Servants Abandonment of colony 2nd Charter Thomas De La Warr Jamestown Saved
Population/Demographic Majority English colonists Expanded west Powhatan Indians Captain John Smith: “no work, no food” policy “Starving time” More Englishmen come
Culture Native American, English, and African slaves Origins of cultures Working motives Roles of men, women, and children Marriage Education/Schooling
Religion Settlers at Jamestown were members of the Anglican Faith The Official Church of England Virginia colonists did not leave England for religious reasons Conflict was minimized Faith became a private matter
Natives Relations Powhatans First Anglo Powhatan War 1610-1614 Pocahontas 1607-Saves John Smith 1613-captured by English Settlers 1614-Marries John Rolfe Second Anglo Powhatan War 1644-1646
Summary of Events/People Pocahontas John Smith Powhatan King James Thomas De La Warr John Rolfe Events 1607- Jamestown settlement arrives 1607- John Smith saves the colony 1612- Tobacco Crop 1610-1614- First Anglo-Powhatan war 1619-House of Burgesses 1644-1646- Second Anglo-Powhatan war By 1750 the colony was prosperous