NON-RENEWABLE A non-renewable resource cannot be easily/quickly replaced naturally There is a limited supply ( can use up the entire supply until there is no more)
MINERALS Precious stones: rubies, diamonds, emeralds, Metals: gold, silver, copper, lead, iron..
FOSSIL FUELS Fossil fuels are organic materials formed in the earth as a result of slowly decomposing plants and animals. It takes millions of years to obtain fossil fuels!
RENEWABLE A renewable resource can be easily/quickly replaced naturally There is an un-limited supply as long as it is not being abused/over-used
Wind Energy Wind power is the use of air flow through wind turbines to mechanically power generators for electric power.
Biomass Energy Biomass is organic material that comes from plants and animals, and it is a renewable source of energy. Biomass contains storedenergy from the sun. Plants absorb the sun's energy in a process called photosynthesis. When biomass is burned, the chemicalenergy in biomass is released as heat.
Water Energy (hydroelectricity)
Trees (for lumber)
Animals (Fish) Collapse of the Atlantic northwest cod fishery The 1992 moratorium was at first meant to last two years, hoping that the northern cod population would recover, and along with it the fishery. Even after twenty years, the northern cod population has not rebounded and the cod fishery remains closed