HUMANITIES Language Arts and Social Studies Periods 1 and 2 Mrs. Knutson
HUMANITIES Language Arts and Social Studies Periods 3 and 4 Mrs. Knutson HUMANITIES Language Arts and Social Studies Periods 3 and 4
Welcome! Please make sure you fill out the confidential form on the desks before you leave. I would like to know more about each student. Please turn in to me or leave on the desk by the door. Thank you!
Intro. Video
Educational Background Masters degree in Reading from Seattle Pacific University B.A. from Pacific Lutheran University 37 years of teaching experience Gates Foundation Technology Training
ASB card must remain at school. Supplies Needed (See parent letter) One 3 ring binder (approx. 2” or less) for LA/SS/Electives 3 tabs (LA/SS/Elective) PLMS PLANNER (this is a must have) One composition book Lots of notebook paper Correcting pens and LOTS of pencils! Flash drive/USB stick (labeled) and/or email address. ASB card must remain at school. Cell phones are allowed but students must follow individual classroom rules. Kindles and other reading devices are welcome!
Student Behavior Expectations Be on time to class Bring necessary materials Complete homework on time Find a Study Buddy LISTEN! Do your best! Participate in group activities Be courteous and kind Have respect for yourself and others Come to Mrs. Knutson if there are any problems after you have tried to solve them yourself. Make use of classroom resources; calendar, website etc. Use Planner to record daily assignments
Course Content for Language Arts/Workshop Model Writing Strategies for Memoir, Expository and Persuasive essays Understanding plot, conflict, setting, point of view Library every Friday/Independent Reading daily Grammar/convention/vocabulary development Freak, the Mighty Writer’s Notebook Beginning literary analysis Literature Circles Literature anthology/Reading Workshop books Thieves of Ostia Reading and Writing District Assessments
Course Content for Social Studies Please have your child practice getting to the online textbook. Introduction to Geography Note-taking techniques using non-fiction texts Elements of Culture Introduction to World History Early Civilizations of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. The Roots of Western Ideas/Ancient Greece/Classical Greece The World of Ancient Rome/Rise and Fall of Rome Interact Simulations
Grading System Activities/assignments will be given point values according to importance. Rubrics are used for all major assignments and are given out before the assignment is due. Expectations are clear. Use Family Access to access student grades. Up-dated every 3 weeks but I keep mine “live.” 3 late-work per trimester/no penalty coupons available starting Trimester 2. Please ask to see your child’s graded papers if you have questions about their grades. See milk crate. Parent email if emergency extension is needed. Partial credit given for late work or work with no name starting Tri. 2. Save major project rubrics in case of a discrepancy.
Academic Support Free Homework help at Homework Club every Tuesday and Thursday. Funded by the Issaquah Schools Foundation. Please see PLMS website for details. Work with a friend during Homeroom. Please encourage your child to use their planner, check website postings, set up a Study Buddy and learn to listen! Listening takes practice! After school care – Impact! Contact your school counselor.
This and That… Skyward/Family/Student Access Teacher Contact – Email, after school appointment Finding your way around my website Keeping Track of Passwords made easier by students using ONLY their ASB number.
Knutson Class Wish List Weekly clerical help Board games – new and used – especially related to language (i.e. Boggle, Last Word…) Pillows and/or cushions for reading Thank you!
Website listed on PLMS site Contact Information Email me at: Website listed on PLMS site QUESTIONS?