Two Lives A tale of two cities Cindy Dick Brandon University Graduate Summative Seminar April 19, 2017
Small City It all began in a small town, population 85 students, 4 teachers, 1 principal. After an itinerant admin position, I decided to complete my Masters.
Home of the pumpkin Pre-masters Roland School was my teaching home for 13 years. First experience as an administrator - first School planning meeting - flopped like a pumpkin pie. No experience with research based practices, how to conduct meetings, how to adjust to staff personalities, how to plan SMART goals.
Special Education As Resource teacher and administrator, I chose Special Ed major for my Masters. Learned about programming, supporting students with exceptionalities and inclusion Aboriginal perspectives
Big City Principal of Maple Leaf School, 340 students, 50 staff, big city! Changed major to Educational Leadership.
Leadership Masters taught me about; leadership styles - transformational, charismatic, ethical, shared leadership, reflective practice. Supervisory and evaluation roles, responsibilities and coaching model Importance of implementing and evaluating curriculum Leadership and the law