School Leadership Summit An article discussing leadership and technology in education School Leadership Summit LDR601 Leadership George Bartus Gina Gudowski Siena Heights University Dr. David B. Lucas 3-7-2014
Concepts Technology Leadership Education
Introduction Our lives have changed with the advances in technology. In order for the next generation to compete on the world stage we as educators must ensure that our students have the skills to compete. School leaders must meet or exceed the norm for leadership, digital learning, and visionary innovation. It is not enough to maintain a curriculum; principals, teachers, and administrators, must change the paradigm, and become visionaries. Total quality management in industry empowers everyone from upper management to the person who sweeps the floor, this is the philosophy and methodology that we need to incorporate in education. It’s the responsibility of all to incorporate innovation in education. The ultimate goal is to create a generation of critical thinkers.
Definition of Terms Pedagogy- the art, science, or profession of teaching (Webster, 1977) SLS- Student Leadership Summit Free world wide summit facilitated completely online. Second annual summit to address the challenges in the field of education relating to technology. digitalLEARNING- education magazine that facilitated the planning of the SLS. Information and Communication Technology is referred to ICT in the article. TICAL- Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership. TICAL assists leaders within the field of education to use technology to improve their techniques( .
Leadership Styles according to Dr. Sharon Stephens Brehm Transactional- appeal to self interest, quid quo pro approach Situational- varying approach based on situation Trait- identified by personal traits, natural ability to lead Functional- engages his/her team; group awareness, mentoring, and team construct are all tools of the educational leader Servant- support the followers Charismatic- emotional ties; create an atmosphere of good will and a team journey to a common goal Transformational- mainly women; nurturing, transforming and lending the force to achieve(Mega-Model, 2014)
Technology In education Technology in education is a boon to the adult learner. Technology in post secondary institutions Requires educators to be proficient in the methodology used. Adult learners have multiple commitments and time constraints. Hybrid classes allow learner to schedule and manage study time more efficiently Online classes are not much different than traditional face to face , both require instructors to guide learners in an engaging manner. Learners must be engaged to feel like a member of a group or community (Wang, 2009, p. 17) .
Conclusion Technology should be used to enhance learning. Greatest challenge is focusing on the learner and not technology. Technology is only as good as our knowledge of how to use it. Proper training is necessary for all educators. Capitalize on known benefits and address problems associated with technology Technology can’t be our sole source of teaching methods (Wang, 2009, p17). Collaboration in Leadership.
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References Wang, V. C. X. (2009). Effective teaching with technology in adult education. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 4(4), 17+. Retrieved from &u=lom_sienahul&it=r&p=GPS&sw=w&asid=6432c06bba1a0fcbc136bb1caa2e9081 Webster, M. (1977). New Collegiate Dictionary. Merriam Webster: What local firms seek from schools: Leadership lessons. (2014, February 3). Crain's Detroit Business, 30(5), 0010. Retrieved from &u=lom_sienahul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw=w&asid=5b131d53bcf0ca2709cf93161606f0f3