Alabama Power Company 2019 VM Pre-bid Meeting Clanton Water Course Building June 11, 2018
Welcome House Keeping, Introductions and Safety Brief Address is 2030 7th Street, South Clanton 35045 Please dial 911 from cell phone or 9-911 from a landline Observe Emergency Exits, fire assembly is grassy area in front of building by APC sign In case of tornado or severe storms, the tornado shelter is located behind building next to parking lot. Please calmly make your way there and ensure your neighbor is with you. AED is located next to bathrooms and water fountain. Fire extinguishers are located in the Alabama Room and by vending machine in the kitchen.
2019 Bid Discussion Specifications & General Expectations This meeting is to discuss work on distribution lines. The price proposals for distribution are per mile to perform routine tree trimming, mowing and debris disposal for the entire feeder represented on the maps (provided on USB drive). Contractors are asked to enter prices for only those Job #’s they are interested in working.
2019 Bid Discussion (cont.) Reminder: Please review your D & T specs contained in your contract. Since billing on the Distribution will only be done by primary map miles, you will need to include cost to trim secondary and service lines. Alabama Power intends to award this work by the Job #. The Bid submission form will be provided via the MOBI site (more on this later). All bids must be received in a sealed package to Maxine Moore at the following: Alabama Power Company Attn: Maxine Moore 600 18th Street, North Bin: 2S-0704 Birmingham, AL 35291
2019 VM Bid Milestone Dates Pre-bid meeting: June 11, 2018 Sealed bids must be received by Maxine Moore by: September 7, 2018. APC to mail out award letters by: September 28, 2018. Work to start no later than February 1, 2019. APC reserves the right to find another contractor if work has not started by that date. APC will evaluate any request by Contractor to start work before January 1, 2019 after the bids are awarded. Work must be completed by Dec. 31, 2019.
MOBI Site Functions Questions and Answers related to this Bid process will be received, posted and answered on this site. Do not contact APCo employees in the divisions with questions regarding this Bid. 2019 Bid Submission forms will be posted on this site for download. The URL is:
Work Types Urban Trimming (UT)- Mostly bucket or mechanical with cleanup Rural Trimming (RT)- Mostly mechanical or bucket trimming with limited cleanup Rear Lot Trimming (RL)- Requires climbing with cleanup Manual Trimming (MT)- Requires climbing with no cleanup **Mileage estimates are historical on the bid forms, contractor will shoot the mileage
Example of Bid Submission Form Distribution
Thanks for coming Questions? Ensure you sign the sign-in sheet. Have a safe trip back home John Morris 205-257-6870