LAW 14 – PENALTY KICK Online Training Script:


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Presentation transcript:

LAW 14 – PENALTY KICK Online Training Script: Welcome to U.S. Soccer’s online training for the Grade 9 Referee Course. Training for this course is specific to preparing officials for the small-sided and recreational youth game. This presentation focuses on Law 14 – The Penalty Kick. U.S. SOCCER FEDERATION REFEREE PROGRAM GRADE 9 REFEREE COURSE SMALL-SIDED AND RECREATIONAL YOUTH TRAINING

PENALTY KICK Online Training Script: A penalty kick is awarded when a defending player commits an offense, punishable by a direct free kick, against an opponent within the defending team’s penalty area. A goal can be directly scored from the taking of the penalty kick. Awarding a penalty kick is based on the location of where the offense was originally committed, not the position of the ball when the offense took place. It is important for officials to know the local rules of competition since some small-sided and recreational youth games may not allow for penalty kicks or even have penalty areas or penalty arcs lined on the field. Classroom Instructor Talking Points:

PROCEDURE Online Training Script: The penalty kick is taken from the penalty mark, and the penalty kick taker must be clearly identified (for the referee and goalkeeper). All players other than the defending goalkeeper and the penalty kicker must be outside the penalty area, behind the penalty mark, and at least ten yards from the ball until the ball is kicked and clearly moves forward. The penalty arc is used to enforce the 10 yard requirement. The goalkeeper must remain between the goalposts and on the goal line facing the kicker until the ball is kicked. The goalkeeper is allowed to move from side to side on the goal line. Classroom Instructor Talking Points:

PROCEDURE Online Training Script: After confirming that all players are in the correct position, the referee blows his or her whistle to signal the taking of the penalty kick. The ball is in play once it has been kicked and clearly moves forward. Once the ball is in play, players from both teams may cross the penalty arc and/or enter the penalty area. Like all free kicks, the penalty kick taker may not play the ball a second time until it has been touched by another player. This means that the kicker may play the ball a second time if the ball rebounds off the goalkeeper, but NOT if the ball rebounds directly off the goal post or crossbar without having touched another player. Classroom Instructor Talking Points: PROCEDURE

OFFENSES AND SANCTIONS Offense Committed by Outcome GOAL Outcome NO GOAL Online Training Script: Law 14 outlines specific restarts should an offense, such as encroachment, take place during the taking of a penalty kick.    Encroachment refers to players moving into prohibited areas during the taking of the penalty kick. It also refers to when the goalkeeper moves forward from the goal line before the ball is kicked and clearly moves forward. If the kicker or the teammate of the kicker commits an offense during the penalty kick and a goal is scored, the referee awards a retake of the penalty kick. If the kicker or the teammate of the kicker commits an offense and a goal is not scored, then the referee awards an indirect free kick to the opposing team at the spot of the violation. If the goalkeeper or the teammate of the goalkeeper commits an offense during the penalty kick and a goal is scored, the goal stands. If the goalkeeper or the teammate of the goalkeeper commits an offense and a goal is not scored, then the referee awards a retake of the penalty kick. If both teams commit an offense, the penalty kick is retaken. Classroom Instructor Talking Points:

OFFENSES AND SANCTIONS Feinting to kick the ball Permitted in the run-up to the ball Not allowed once the run-up is completed Indirect free kick regardless of the outcome Clearly identified kicker must take the kick If a teammate of the kicker takes the kick Indirect free kick to the defending team Caution the teammate that kick the ball The player must kick the ball forward If the ball is kicked backward Online Training Script: Feinting is allowed during the run-up but not allowed once the movement to the ball is completed. If the kicker scores after violating this rule, an indirect free kick is awarded to the defending team and the kicker is cautioned. If the kicker does not score after this offense, the referee must stop play, and award an indirect free kick to the defending team, and caution the kicker. The referee must know that regardless of the outcome of the penalty kick, if the teammate of the identified kicker takes the kick, an indirect free kick is awarded to the defending team and the wrong kicker is cautioned. Also, regardless of the outcome of the penalty kick, if the ball is not kicked forward, an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team from the penalty mark. Classroom Instructor Talking Points:


REVIEW QUESTION Is a penalty kick awarded when a defending player commits an offense, punishable by a direct free kick, against an opponent in the defending player’s penalty area? YES NO