Valentines Day Trivia
Approximately how many boxes of chocolate were sold for St Approximately how many boxes of chocolate were sold for St. Valentine's Day in 2003 25 Million 36 Million 115 Million 125 Million
Approximately what percentage of Valentine's Day cards are purchased by women?
Approximately how many Valentine's Day cards are sent each year? 750 Million 850 Million 1 Billion 2.6 Billion
Cupid is whose son? Venus Jupiter Paris Athena
In what Shakespeare play is St. Valentine's Day mentioned? The Tempest Hamlet The Taming of the Shrew Macbeth
The most notorious St. Valentine's Day was in 1929 when seven people were gunned down in an assassination attempt in Chicago. Five members of one mobster's gang planned to kill members of a rival gang, including the leader. What gang planned the shooting, and who was the main target? John Dillinger's gang planned to kill Bugs Moran Bugs Moran's gang planned to kill John Dillinger. John Dillinger's gang planned to kill Al Capone. Al Capone's gang planned to kill Bugs Moran.
Nectar Olive Oil Ambrosia Wine A Roman myth says that roses grew when Cupid was carrying a certain liquid to the gods on Mt. Olympus. Cupid spilled the liquid and from that spot roses grew. What was the liquid? Nectar Olive Oil Ambrosia Wine
According to one superstition, if a young girl wanted to see her future mate in a dream or a vision, what should she do on the Eve of Saint Valentine's Day? Go to a graveyard at midnight and sing a particular song while running around the church 12 times Pin five bay leaves sprinkled with rose water to her pillow before going to bed Sleep with a sprig of rosemary pinned inside her pillow All of the Above
Before it became fashionable to give chocolates and flowers, what was the traditional gift given by a man to a woman on St. Valentine's Day A Pair of Gloves A piece of Jewelry A Hair Ribbon A baby goat
According to an old European belief, certain members of the animal kingdom celebrate Valentine's Day as well. What annual event is said to occur on February 14th? Garter snakes have their annual 'mating ball‘ Birds choose their partners. Garden snails shoot 'love darts' at each other. Hens begin laying their eggs
According to one legend, St According to one legend, St. Valentine was a Christian who was executed for performing marriages after Roman Emperor Claudius II outlawed the institution. Why did the emperor ban marriages? Not enough men were enlisting in the army to reduce the birth rate So men’s first loyalty would be to the gods, not to their families All of the above
The signer would kiss the “X” to show their sincerity An “X” on a card or letter represents a kiss. This practice has its origins in medieval times, when those who could not write would sign documents with an “X”. How did this practice become associated with a kiss? The signer would kiss the “X” to show their sincerity The “X” symbolized the cross, or love of God The “X” symbolized two mouths touching None of the above.