Climate and Weather
Key Terms Weather Climate Axis Temperature Revolution Equinox and Solstice Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming Latitude and Elevation Coriolis Effect Prevailing Winds Doldrums Oceanic Currents Tropical, Temperate, Subarctic, and Arctic Climates
Weather The state of the atmosphere at a place and time in regards of heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, and other factors
Climate The statistics of weather Usually measured over a 30 year interval Assesses the variations in weather Climate is different than Weather Weather is Short Term Climate is long term
The Earth’s Axis The earth does not revolve around the sun straight up and down, it’s angled This causes seasons
Earth’s Rotation
Equinox and Solstice Each happen 6 months apart Solstice happen Winter, December 22 Summer, June 22 Equinox happen Vernal, March 22 Autumnal, September 22 Mark the First day of seasons The Solstice also represent the longest and shortest day of the year
Tropic of Cancer The Northern most “line” that receives direct sunlight Revolution: the earth moving around the sun
Greenhouse Effect The trapping of the sun’s warmth in the Planet’s lower atmosphere due to the diminishing atmosphere
Global Warming/Climate Change Occurs when Carbon Dioxide and other air pollutants collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation, pollutants trap the radiation and warm the planet as well as changing the climate
Climate Change NASA on Climate Change
Latitude and Temperature Simply put the higher the Latitude number the colder the temperature
Elevation and Temperature The higher the elevation, the lower the temperature The air and the atmosphere are thinner, they cannot hold the UV radiation so it gets colder Elevation= Feet above sea level
Here’s the Thing about NAMING WIND We name winds by WHERE THEY COME FROM Easterlies travel WEST but come from the EAST
Coriolis Effect The rotating earth is responsible for wind swirls NOVA is smarter than Robinson
Prevailing Winds A wind from a direction that is predominant in a particular PLACE or SEASON
Oceanic Currents
Doldrums Areas near the equator, north or south by 5 degrees, that are warm and have little if any wind
Climate and Climate Types
Climate Types Tropical Temperate Arid Mediterranean Polar
Tropical Climate
Climate Regions