A Prosperous Church Acts 2:42-47 Part 2 Ecclesiology A Prosperous Church Acts 2:42-47 Part 2
The Power of God The spiritual debacle created by the Charismatic Movement has caused some churches to recoil from any emphasis upon the power of God or for that matter upon the ministry of the Holy Spirit. That is tragic. God is unchanged from apostolic days in which the miraculous was almost commonplace. Yet we do not look for miracles in the apostolic sense. The sign gifts of the first century have ceased being superseded by the completed New Testament.
The church is not and must not strive to be self-empowered The church is not and must not strive to be self-empowered. That is to rely upon the flesh to produce spiritual results. It is a trap to fall prey to thinking that the right program or method will produce the desired product. Programs and methods change frequently and none of them have validity apart from the blessing of God. Today we have Word of God which reminds us that though we may not need wonders and signs, we do need the power of God. (2 Cor. 10:1-5; 3:5; 1 Cor. 2:1-5)
A prosperous church is more than a ministry that achieves A prosperous church is more than a ministry that achieves. It is a church that succeeds by means of God’s work through its people. No church can ultimately prosper that depends upon pragmatic motivational techniques. Granted Christianized humanism is easier and has the appearance of success. The problem is the fact that human effort apart from divine enablement brings no glory to God. Laboring in prayer and the exercise of faith is painful to the flesh. The results inevitably become dependent upon God and His timing instead of arbitrarily established goals and deadlines.
Giving There are few ways in which Christians can be more like the character of God than in the matter of giving. God loves us and gave us His Son (1 John 4:10,11; John 3:16). Giving is infinitely more than meeting an obligation. Appropriate, responsive, generous giving does not require pressure in a healthy church. People give to the offering because they have given themselves to the Lord (2 Corinthians 8:5; 9:6-8).
Unity This is the second mention of breaking bread. In the context the meaning is that the joy unanimity apparent in the common meeting place (interestingly enough the temple itself) spills over into wonderful fellowship in the homes of the believers. It is appropriate, even important, for believers to gather at times other than the official services.
It is significant that the one accord experienced on the day of Pentecost continued in the church body. Commonality in a church is not the result of common heritage, common experience, or common culture. It is the result of a common faith. (Jude 3) A prosperous church does not have internal conflicts. There is mutual forbearance and consistent efforts to maintain a unified heart. (Eph. 4:1-7)
Joy While at times persecuted and burdened, the church is nonetheless joyful. Believers are inherently “other worldly” or aware that their prospects lie in another world. (Heb. 11:10) Because of a dynamic relationship with God and faith in the promises of the Bible, we are able to keep present circumstances in perspective. (1 Pet. 1:6-9)
With gratitude we sing the praises of God. Eph. 5:19,20 In a healthy church joy characterizes the song service, the church service, and daily personal service for Christ. It is the outflowing of the inner wellspring. (Phil. 4:4)
Witness The local church is a self-perpetuating entity. In the prosperous church this is accomplished by the conversion of unsaved people. There is little doubt that believers who embrace the heartbeat of God embrace the mission of Christ. (Luke 19:10)
The church does not need a new program for evangelism as much as it needs a revival of heart toward God. This revival will minimize the influence of the culture, the greed for material things, and the distraction of modern life. It will help God’s people to re-evaluate priorities, turn from personal sin, and get on with the spiritual business at hand.
Putting all these ingredients together in a simplistic day produced a prosperous church in the first century. It could, and it should be happening over and over in every era of the church age.