Weather vs. Climate? Weather: Atmospheric conditions (temperature, rainfall, etc…) at a specific point in time and specific place. Climate: Atmospheric conditions (temperature, rainfall, etc…) of a region (large area) over a long period of time. Weather Climate Measure temperature and precipitation Large area Specific place Long period of time Can change immediately Specific time Average over 30 yrs.
Which set of information is describing weather? Which set of information is describing climate? Weather Climate
6 Climate Zones in North America Identify in a climate graph HIGHLAND Cold to cool year-round: 18 - 10°C (18-50°F) Amount of precipitation varies, usually falling as snow in winter MILD Summers are warm or hot: over 10°C (50°F) Winters are cool or cold: 18 - -3°C (64 - 27°F) Moist climate, often with more precipitation in either the winter or summer DRY Hot days and cool nights year-round Summer temperatures usually over 31°C (88°F) Dry year-round, with very little precipitation TROPICAL Hot year-round: over 18°C (64°F) Wet -more than 150 Centimeters of rain in a year POLAR Extremely cold and long winters, with only 2–4 months having temperatures above freezing Cool summers: less than 10°C (50°F) Dry year-round, with very little precipitation (usually falls as snow) SEVERE Warm summers: over 10°C (50°F) Very cold winters, with at least one month averaging less than –3°C (27°F) Amount of precipitation varies
Identify 5 factors that affect climate and weather 1. Latitude/Energy from Sun 2. Large Body of Waters/Ocean Currents 3. Elevation/Altitude 4. Landforms 5. Atmosphere/Wind Patterns