March 28-31
Monday and Tuesday: Work days for the Novel and Missing Work
Novel Reminders: Wednesday, March 30th: Novel Project due /30 Thursday, March 31: Study guide due / 40 Thursday, March 31: In-class essay exam /30 QUALITY Matters! Spend time- be neat Go in-depth- Fully complete the project Effort: Do your BEST work, NOT THE LEAST you can do to get by
Make-up Login to Skyward Locate missing work Complete 2-3 items this hour *At the top of each assignment, NAME the assignment you have completed so I know what I am grading. Print out and turn in all work to me with your NAME and HOUR
Wednesday: Project Presentations
Seating for Project Sharing: OUTER RING: Those ready with a project for sharing INNER RING: Those NOT ready with a project ***Please leave your backpack zipped up and UP/out of the way
Novel Reminders: Due Today: Novel Project: /30 Thursday, March 31: Study guide due /40 Thursday, March 31: In-class essay exam /30
Rotate RIGHT when you hear the bell
4-5 minute chat – Share your project with your partner for this round Project Sharing Brief overview of your novel What your project is all about No project? Summarzie your novel 4-5 minute chat – Share your project with your partner for this round Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
Read/discuss the article by Henry Samuel [Paris, France] with your partner:
“Mona McDonald” What is being criticized? Satirical /literary Techniques? What change is being asked for or implied?
4-5 minute chat – Share your project with your partner for this round Project Sharing Brief overview of your novel What your project is all about No project? Summarzie your novel 4-5 minute chat – Share your project with your partner for this round Round 4 Round 5
“U.S. Students…”: Read/discuss with your partner What is being criticized? Satirical /literary Techniques? What change is being asked for or implied?
4-5 minute chat – Share your project with your partner for this round Project Sharing Brief overview of your novel What your project is all about No project? Summarzie your novel 4-5 minute chat – Share your project with your partner for this round Round 6 Round 7
Watch ‘n discuss with your partner: What is being criticized? Satirical /literary Techniques? What change is being asked for or implied?
Thursday: Novel Essay Exam & Study Guide Due
Return your novel to the book room after class today Novel Reminders: Due Yesterday: Novel Project: /30 Due today: Study guide /40 Due today: In-class essay exam /30 Return your novel to the book room after class today
REMINDER: ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES MAY BE OUT THE ENTIRE CLASS PERIOD Even if YOU ARE DONE, you may NOT be on your phone until the bell rings at the end of the class. Your test will be zeroed with NO RE-TAKE if your cell phone is out, visible, and/or in use at any time during the hour.
Novel Essay Exam: What you may use: The sheet with the essay questions Outline with quotes or a list of quotes the study guide When you finish: Keep your test/ head down or work on other homework. *Last 5 minutes of the hour: Staple it to your study guide and turn it in to the tray.