Starter- Debriefing List the Six parts to a debriefing process
Debriefing process 1. Thank participants 2. State the aims of the study 3. Point out relevant ethical concerns 4. Invite them to withdraw their data 5. Ask if they have any questions 6. Give contact details if they wish to ask any further questions
Standardised instructions Use your packs Number 2 on sheet for your practical
Report writing Look at the report 1.Identify the different sections of the report in the correct order 2. In your group identify what is included in your section Abstract Introduction/Lit review Method Results Discussion Consider type of language and communication Create your own checklist for your report Write brief notes on what goes in each section
Peer review Write on your whiteboard in groups What is a peer review? 3 reasons why we need to do it
Peer review In the peer review process, a paper is submitted to a journal and evaluated by several reviewers. (Reviewers are often individuals with an impressive history of work in the area of interest, that is, the specific area that the article addresses). After critiquing the paper the reviewers submit their thoughts to the editor. Then, based on the commentaries from the reviewers, the editor decides whether to publish the paper, make suggestions for additional changes that could lead to publication, or reject the paper. The primary purpose of peer review is to ensure that the papers published are valid and unbiased.
Why bother? Research proposals will be scrutinized to check it is robust To ensure it can contribute to already existing knowledge Encourages academic debate, openness and communication Ensure there is no bias Appropriateness of conclusions drawn Ensure it is worth dissemination- journals Consider wider implications Find any errors Ensure it can be repeated
Peer reviewing your essays I am going to ask an A2 student in the other group to mark your timed essays. What might be the problems with this?
Ok ….I am going to get another teacher to mark your essays
Bias Reviewer Publication Reputation
Exam questions Mark the question(s) and provide points detailing what the student has or has not done well What is meant by peer review? (2 marks) Explain why peer review is an important aspect of the scientific process. (4 marks)
Examiners report Read the examiners report Write 3 things to avoid doing when answering a peer review question Write 3 things you must include when answering a peer review question
Questions or queries about research? Subject extensions Thursday 10:15 or 11:45 Essay Plan for Tomorrow/Friday