Unit 1 Enterprise in the Workplace Lesson 1 Mrs Gutteridge BTEC Business Unit 1 Enterprise in the Workplace Lesson 1 Mrs Gutteridge
Keywords Goods/Services Wants/Needs Market Entrepreneurs Raw Materials Capital Labour Customers Suppliers
Activity List the five basic needs. List 3 examples of organisations, which provide us with each of these basic needs. What is a ‘market’? If you were going to set up in business state the types of market you could go into. Why do people start up businesses? Try to give 4 reasons. What is a business? What is an Entrepreneur? Give some examples What is the objective of most businesses? What are the raw materials of the following products? Petrol ii) A woollen jacket iii) An Iphone What is meant by each of the following terms: Capital, Labour and raw materials? What factors do you think affect a business?
What Factors Affect a Business? Homework Research different types of Newspapers and Business Journals