Example of a “Beginning Comparative Study” on Rodin, Moore and contemporary artist; Kiki Smith “Draped Seated Woman”, 1957 “The Old Courtesan”, 1910
Contrasting, yet similar artist, Kiki Smith’s “Standing”, 1998
Maybe start with Formal Elements Compared and Contrasted in bullets first Rodin Repetition of form in drapery Old and Weak Bronze Interesting Line Work Representational Detail Accurate Proportions Closed space Vertical Dramatic/Emotional Downward dragging Organic (melting skin). Expressionistic Moore Repetition of form in skin and drapery Strong and Healthy Plaster/stone/bronze Interesting Texture Open Space Horizontal Landscape Straight forward Stiff Expressionistic Eye travels through folds No Facial details Smith Female figure made by female contemporary artist Sculpture in in bronze Middle aged woman Strong, yet vulnerable Water “Madonna-esque” Enrapturing the idea of life and death in the human form, from the inside out The idea of earth and sky (space) as the backdrop for figure to interact in nature Symbolism - Small starfish affixed to chest configrated in the constellation of Virgo, and carries a waterjug
Do the same for Function & Purpose Rodin 1885 Both work in bronze and looked @ women in as a subject matter for personal interpretation Excerpt from the Gates of Hell suggesting of women: “Women’s beauty is a purpose and beauty is lost with age.” There is no purpose for women beyond the aesthetic of beauty. Moore 1957 Internal investigation of woman as human figure and as a landscape in which to interpret Suggesting for women: Women’s purpose strictly used for form, broken down into basic abstractions of form, non- objectification. Yet there is no identity or acknowledgement of identity.
Conceptual and material significance of Kiki Smith’s Standing – Of Henry Moore’s “Draped seated woman” or Rodin’s “Old Courtesan”….Symbols, meaning in use materials, messages both cultural and as it relates time period, politics, whatever between the two or 3 artworks, artists using Venn diagrams. Look @ “Structure of CS” for guidance……
Work of art based on the information and a personal response of what I would say to Rodin’s and Moore’s concept of the female form as inspiration using my own modern materials and concepts to make a sculpture in response to theirs.