COSTING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WEGE BILL The estimated cost for implementing the WEGE Bill once promulgated covers human and financial resources based on the Department’s mandate which is among others to: Ensure equity and access to development opportunities for the vulnerable groups in our society. Monitor and evaluate the mainstreaming of gender, children’s rights and disability considerations into all programmes of government and other sectors. Monitor the extent to which the social and economic circumstances of women, children and people with disabilities are significantly improved.
ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUIRED The estimated additional budget required by Sub-Progammes to progressively and successfully implement the WEGE Act to ensure compliance with the provision in the Act are as follows: SUB-PROGRAMME-PROG 1 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 TOTAL RESEARCH & POLICY 6 125 256 6 030 143 6 046 300 18 201 699 COMMUNICATIONS 8 842 344 8 980 340 9 125 925 26 948 609 LEGAL SERVICES 4 588 248 4 720 485 4 860 027 14 168 760 INTERSCTORAL&INTERNATIONAL 7 360 150 4 359 583 6 370 915 18 090 648 26 915 998 24 091 551 26 403 167 77 410 716
ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUIRED The estimated budget required by Sub-Progammes to progressively and successfully implement the WEGE Act to ensure compliance with the provision in the Act are as follows: SUB-PROGRAMME-PROG 2 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 TOTAL ADVOCACY&MAINSTREAMING 8 442 650 8 673 264 8 916 524 26 032 438 INSTITUTIONAL SUP&CAPACITY 9 123 650 9 153 246 6 541 398 24 818 294 MONITORING&EVALUATION 7,355,701 7,513,117 7,276,867 22 145 685 24 922 001 25 339 627 22 734 789 72 996 417
ESTIMATED BUDGET REQUIRED The cost for implementing the WEGE Bill over the next MTEF MTSF PERIOD 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 TOTAL 51 837 999 49 411 178 49 137 956 150 407 133
IMPLICATION TO ABSENCE OF ALLOCATION OF THE REQUIRED BUDGET The absence or inadequate allocation of budget to ensure the implementation of and ultimately adherence to provisions in the WEGE Act will: maintain the continuing status quo of women as the face of poverty retain the levels of under-development of the huge members of our population not address the situation of women in rural areas lead to the continued economic dependence of young women and women, with consequence to vulnerability to abuse, rape and murder
not see through changes in the economic and employment sector IMPLICATION TO ABSENCE OF ALLOCATION OF THE REQUIRED BUDGET - Continued not see through changes in the economic and employment sector delay comprehensive transformation for a better life for all have unstable family structures continuing, with mothers abandoning or neglecting or not affording proper care of children affect social cohesion and nation building not allow for the country to effectively implement the laws of the country in a gender balanced way affect the use of international treaties and resolutions towards a comprehensive human development not enhance measures in place to eliminate all forms of discrimination against women and girls