Belgian Presidency Regional Policy COCOF - 29 & 30 June 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Belgian Presidency Regional Policy COCOF - 29 & 30 June 2010

Contents Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion Policy The future of Cohesion Policy Spatial Planning Urban Policies

Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion The Future of Cohesion Policy

Future of Cohesion Policy Expected documents during the Belgian Presidency Communication « Strengthening the Contribution of Cohesion Policy to the Sustainable Development of the European Regions » (September ?) Communication «  Strengthening the Contribution of Cohesion Policy to the Knowledge and Innovation Economy «  (September)  5th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion (November) European Strategy for the Danube Region (December)

Future of Cohesion Policy Belgian Presidency The significance of Cohesion Policy must be stressed again A thematic approach - What is the contribution of Cohesion Policy to the other policies : Europe 2020, sustainable development… ? - Which place for Urban Policy ? A geographic approach - The territorial cohesion approach must be clarified - How to understand the geographic concentration ? - What about the transitional regimes ? - Should Regional Policy take better account of the regional specificities ?

Cohesion Policy Calendar of the Presidency (1) An Informal Meeting of the Ministers for Cohesion Policy Liège - 22 & 23 November High Level Conference on Territorial Cooperation Tournai – 30 September & 1 Ocbober Seminar : Role of the ESF in the Fight against Poverty and Social Exclusion Brussels – 18 & 19 November

Cohesion Policy Calendar of the Presidency (2) Structural Funds « Open Days » - Wallonia Weekend of 21 & 22 August Guided Tour of the ERDF projects in Brussels Region - From September Meeting of the COCOF in Mons (European Capital of Culture 2015)  20 & 21 October - Themes : culture, enterprises, research

Cohesion Policy Legislative issue : International Fund for Ireland : completion of the legislative procedure

Cohesion Policy Other events Open Days : Europe 2020 : competitiveness, co-operation and cohesion for all regions Brussels - 4 to 7 October Conference : Cohesion in Europe : Regions Take up The Challenge - Assembly of European Regions  « Towards a Visionary and Innovative Regional Policy for all Europeans » Brussels - 7 December

Spatial Planning

Spatial Planning Territorial agenda : priorities of the Belgian Presidency Framing the debate on territorial cohesion under the light of the Lisbon Treaty Supporting the Territorial Agenda process (TA) Monitoring of the first Action Program (AP1) Contribution to the elaboration of the report on the Territorial State and Perspectives (TSP) Reinforcing the link between Territorial Agenda and sectorial policies

Spatial Planning Territorial Agenda : priorities of the Belgian Presidency Preparing the Review of the Territorial Agenda before the informal meeting of the Spatial Planning Ministers under Hungarian Presidency Meeting of the NTCCP Meeting of the Spatial Planning DG Supporting the ESPON activities Promoting the exchange of experiences Monitoring of the territorial performance Spatial Planning Legislation in Europe

Spatial Planning Calendar of the Presidency First annual Conference on Territorial Agenda Namur – 28 & 29 September Seminar on global challenges in the polycentric regions Brussels - 8 October Meeting of the NTCCP Namur – 13 October ESPON WEEK Liège – 16 to 19 November Directors General Meeting Namur – 30 November High level Seminar on Spatial Planning in Europe Liège – 13 & 14 December

Urban Policies

Urban Policies Priorities of the Belgian Presidency Implementation of the Leipzig Charter and monitoring of the Toledo Declaration Strengthening the integrated approach for a sustainable urban development Analysis of instruments and methodologies for integrated multilevel urban policies Monitoring of the framework for sustainable European cities Discussion on JESSICA instrument and on the role of EIB for urban projects

Urban Policies Calendar of the Presidency (1) European Conference « How to use Structural Funds for achieving sustainable cities ? » Brussels – 15 September Meeting of the Urban Development Group (UDG) Namur – 14 October European Conference « The urban project : best practices and perspectives » Brussels – 16 November

Urban Policies Calendar of the Presidency (2) Conference FEPA-EFAP : « Architecture as a social cohesion vector » -Brussels 18-20 November Meeting of the Directors General Namur – 29 November (to be confirmed) URBACT Liège – 30 November et 1December Forum of the cities : multi-level governance for an integrated urban development Liège – 2 December

Urban Policies Other events : Innovation in the Cities (Eurocities) Brussels - 7 July More urban, more cohesion. The added value of the urban dimension in the Cohesion Policy (Eurocities) Brussels - 14 September

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