Japanese Internment Inquiry Lesson US History II Breen & Gatens
Warm Up You will be answering the question, “Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II?” What does internment mean? -the state of being confined as a prisoner, especially for political or military reasons. How do you think Japanese-Americans were treated after Pearl Harbor? What steps did the US government take against them for the protection of national security? Was this constitutional?
Round One: Government Newsreel Look over the events of the timeline at your tables Watch this government newsreel from 1943 http://www.archive.org/details/Japanese1943 After watching source A, complete Round One part of your graphic organizer
Share your hypothesis with your table What were some of the reasons for internment offered in the newsreel? How does the newsreel portray internment? Is portrayed as positive or negative? Who do you think the audience was for this newsreel?
Round Two: Munson Report, The Crisis Read Source B and Source C Then complete Round Two part of your graphic organizer
Share your hypothesis with your table Has anyone’s hypothesis changed? Why or why not? Do you find these documents more or less trustworthy than the government newsreel? Why or why not? Why is the date of the Munson report important?
Round Three: Korematsu v. United States and Personal Justice Denied Read Source D and Source E Then complete Part Three section of your graphic organizer
Share your hypothesis with your table Which of these documents do you think has a more reliable explanation of internment of Japanese Americans? Why? Why were Japanese Americans interned during World War II? Be specific with evidence in the documents to support your answers.