18-2 Radical Revolution and Reaction
New Constitution and New Fears New constitution limited king’s power Legislative assembly would make the laws Only “active” citizen – men over 25 who paid a certain amount of taxes – could vote Only relatively wealthy people could serve as deputies Old regime was destroyed, but the new gov’t was not universally popular The poor wanted more reform The king hated losing his power, so he and his family try to escape to Austria
War w/Austria People didn’t trust king even when he said he would follow constitution Austria and Prussia threatened to bring king’s power back War breaks out and France starts to lose Radicals from Paris take the king captive Rise of sans-culottes
The move to radicalism King remains on throne after his attempt to escape Another chaotic year passes (food shortages, and rumors of royalist conspiracies) Monarchy is over Sans-culottes attack the palace September massacres b/c rumors of nobles conspiracy to end revolution
The First Republic Newly elected National Convention met to draft new constitution Abolished monarchy and established a republic (French Republic) France divided into 3 groups: Girondins (keep king alive), Jacobins (kill king) and people in b/w Pass decree to kill king
Crises and Responses Domestic problems - More uprising b/c people didn’t accept authority of Convention External problems – foreign countries took arms against France b/c king was killed Committee of Public Safety took up power to continue revolution; their policies will become known as Reign of Terror led by Maximilien Roberspierre Killed anyone suspected of being a traitor (including the queen) 40,000 people were killed (mostly from 3rd Estate)
The Republic of Virtue Robespierre wanted to setup The Republic of Virtue (a democratic republic composed of good citizens) People called “citizen” and “citizeness” instead of “mister” and “madame” Good citizens formed by good education, but not widely implemented Abolished slavery in French colonies Women were not allowed to participate in politics De-Christianization – use reason instead of religion Adopted new calendar (10 day week)
A nation in arms Setup a large army (the largest in Europe at the time) Stopped foreign invasion Fearing they would be next to die, the deputies in National Convention condemned Robespierre to death; end of Reign of Terror
New government Restricted the power of Committee of Public Safety Churches allowed to re-open New constitution created 2 legislative houses (one to draft laws, and the second to accept or reject proposals) Executive was committee of 5 called Directory; very corrupt Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the Directory in coup d'état and rose to power