Wharton Audit & Compliance\ January 19, 2018 BOA Travel Card Update Since last March when we presented, we have began analyzing activity and trends. As a result we will be proposing changes in the current process. We are working with the University’s Card Administrator to review implement. Wharton Audit & Compliance\ January 19, 2018
BOA Travel Card Proposed Modifications Why: minimize risk of excessive cards, cardholder limits and delinquencies 1 Define BOA Card Criteria New Applicants Reduce Existing Cardholder Limits 2 Define Criteria to determine who is eligible for a card and establishing limits Enhancing the Application process and obtaining more information Delinquencies average 30 cardholders monthly, need assistance to monitor and reduce Delinquency Procedures 3
Travel Card Criteria New Applicants- Staff Is University Travel & Entertainment Required? Define Nature & Extent of Travel & Entertainment Type of Travel Frequency of Travel Business Purpose Supervisory Approval Limits for International $10K Domestic $5K & Non Traveler $1K BA remains the primary contact in approval process Currently no information is provided to determine travel needs, all limits are set at 15K Attempting to add the BA directly into the electronic application process Working with Central Card Admin to fine tune this process
Reduce Existing Card Limits FY17 Actual Monthly Spending Analysis Three Primary Tiers $10K, $5K, $1K Name of Initiative
Staff Delinquency Notifications Notifications sent monthly to cardholder & BA is copied at 30 and 60 Days Delinquent At 90 Days – Wharton HR is included and personnel file copied due to non compliance with university card policy Prevention: Concur Default Reviewers are notified at 60 Days that expenses are not submitted for payment. Expectation to alert the BA and cardholder to submit reports to avoid delinquent status Wharton and University Card Admin will be offering BA transaction approver training within BOA Works to monitor delinquent accounts Staff Delinquencies are taking us the most time to investigate and resolve Many are ignoring multiple requests to resolve Delinquencies have and may result in disciplinary action