Celebrating Excellence at JPKECHS GO Spartans!
Academic Progress Impact on your schedule here at Knapp and at COA
Communication E-mails regarding seminar, expectations, graduation Meeting with seminar teachers – grade checks, updates Information to guidance- acceptance info., scholarship info., post secondary plans Senior exit interviews for graduates Communication with COA
Senior Seminar Responsibilities #1 Deadline March 23 #2 Deadline April 27 #3 Deadline May 11 Senior Exit Interviews – take place during the last week of school
Responsibility #1 March 23 Dear Freshman Self, Sure-Fire Tips for Underclassmen (choose 3-10) What J.P. Knapp has meant to me... Before Taking Your First College Course, KNOW THIS... Navigating High School AND College Before You’re 18 The Secrets to Graduating High School with College Credit Build a Transcript You Can Be Proud Of Never Underestimate (insert high school/college related topic) OR Propose your own prompt/title for approval
Write a speech Create a short film (minimum 3 minutes - max 5) Produce a music video Make a PSA (Public Service Announcement) Offer an after school workshop Construct a webpage (to be linked to our school page) Record a news broadcast Design and Put Up Bulletin Board in the “A” Building OR Propose your own final product for approval *Please note: All final products will be shared with Faculty, Staff and Students (and potentially the community). Students will present final products to seminar classes here at Knapp as needed.
Responsibility #2 April 27 Volunteer 3 hours for school, JP Knapp Early College Get approval from seminar teacher Provide documentation to seminar teacher
Propose your own activity for approval Responsibility #3 May 11 Volunteer (and have verified) at least three (3) additional hours on campus Volunteer (and have verified) at least three (3) additional hours off campus and in the community Commit to being a committee member for Project Graduation* Apply for (and provide proof of) at least five (5) scholarships OR Propose your own activity for approval
Herff Jones Updates Cap and Gown Orders Knapp Stole Honor Sashes Distribute Postcards, Balance Due sheets Extra tassels -order
BETA CLUB updates 15 hours of Community Service need to be completed in order to be recognized at graduation for Beta. Beta chords