Character of cultural built heritage Figure 1: Character of cultural built heritage (20/2/08) Character of cultural built heritage Identity Diversity Coherence Permeability -orientation -way finding Social dimensions Symbolic value Unique character Intangible features Functional dimensions Physical symbols + place meaning Valuable elements Aesthetic & symbolic values Unique character High profile & outstanding elements Lesser fabric of material culture Essential part of the place character Events Activities Traditions Social ties or length of association, experience, familiarity, length of stay Users/ managers: individuals/ community/ operators variety Legibility -read the city Urban design qualities which make a town’s vibrancy -spatial organization -cohesiveness -spatial continuity -accessibility Places to learn about community landscape Places to enact community Places to improve community landscape Place meaning/ testimony of the life of man; padang as place making and place marking
Character of cultural built heritage Figure 2: Character of cultural built heritage (27/2/08) Character of cultural built heritage Identity Diversity Coherence Social dimensions Symbolic value Unique character Intangible features Functional dimensions Physical symbols Valuable elements Aesthetic & symbolic values Unique character High profile & outstanding elements Lesser fabric of material culture Essential part of the place character Planning elements Forms Materials Items Arrangements Symbolisms Events Activities Traditions Social ties or length of association Users/ managers: individuals/ community/ operators Variety Permeability Legibility Urban design qualities which make a town’s vibrancy Places to learn about community landscape Places to enact community Places to improve community landscape Place meaning/ testimony of the life of man; padang as place making and place marking
+ Character of cultural built heritage Diversity Valuable elements Figure 3: Character of cultural built heritage (19/3/08) Character of cultural built heritage Diversity Social dimensions Physical dimension People Culture Social Activity Physical Planning Functions/ role Management Social benefits through bringing diverse community together Promoting interactions between people from all background Multi level; background & age Multi racial Intangible features: Historical background Traditional & Special occasion/ ceremony Experiences Length of stay Familiarity Formal Informal Active Passive Size Shape/ forms Material Character : - Natural - Man made Placement/ Location Arrangement Surrounding context Maintenance Conservation Development Valuable elements Aesthetic & symbolic values Unique character High profile & outstanding elements Essential part of the place character + Places to learn about community landscape Places to enact community Places to improve community landscape Urban design qualities which make a town’s vibrancy = Quality of life + sustaining urban communities