Extended writing task – Practice examination skills for yourself Families Extended writing task – Practice examination skills for yourself
Family Functions To provide for physical needs To provide emotional needs To give us a sense of personal identity To provide socialisation of family members To control sexual behaviour
Focus on ‘Describe …’ questions Learning examination skills
Extended writing for the options There are three extended writing questions for each option on the paper. Aim to write about a minute a mark if you can. The command words never change: Describe … (10 marks) Explain … (10 marks) Discuss … (20 marks)
Mark bands and descriptors Band 4 (* - B) detailed Band 3 (C - D) some Band 2 (E - G) basic Band 1 (F-Un) limited AO1 Coverage of the question Covers a number of aspects to the question showing breadth and depth of sociological knowledge Covers some aspects of the question breadth or depth of sociological knowledge. May not address some major aspects of the question. No breadth or depth of sociological knowledge Fails to address the question. May be too short. AO1 Knowledge of relevant material Some evidence of sociological language, concepts, research or ideas made explicit to question Some evidence of theory, sociological language, studies, research or ideas implicitly applied to question Evidence of some theory, sociological language, studies, research or ideas, but misapplied Little or no evidence of relevant knowledge. May cite personal anecdote. AO1 Accuracy Most of the material is sociologically accurate. There are no major factual errors. There may a number of factual errors or confusions. There are factual errors and inaccuracies. AO1 Relevance The content is directly relevant to the question. Much of the content is directly relevant to the question Some of the content may not be directly relevant to the questions. Little of the content is directly relevant..
Describe These questions require you to give facts and language. The more accurate and relevant facts you give, the better you will do. Use sociological language and examples. Write about 2/3 to a full page at most.
Describe the functions of the family. About a minute a mark About ¾ page or more Use lots of key language and terms norms, values, socialisation, society, identity
Family Functions To provide for physical needs To provide emotional needs To give us a sense of personal identity To provide socialisation of family members To control sexual behaviour
Plan for ‘describe the functions of the family?’ What is a family? What is functionalism? List four functions and explain them with evidence drawn from your own knowledge. Add some facts and language to develop the points