Understanding Mental Health and Emotions


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding Mental Health and Emotions Health Unit: 3 - Mental Health and Stress Management Lesson 1 October 29th, 2010

Mental Health Mental health was once thought to be the absence of mental illness Now it refers to how you use the various aspects of health to achieve positive feelings about yourself and improve your ability to deal with problems.

Mental Health The National Association for Mental Health describes someone with good mental health as having the following characteristics; Feels comfortable with himself or herself Has good relationships with others Meets the demands of life.

Assessing Your Mental Health Get a blank piece of paper Write yes , sometimes, or no to answer each question You do not need to show anyone your results

Assessing Your Mental Health 1. Are you willing to assume responsibilities appropriate for someone your age? 2. Do you participate in activities appropriate to your stage in life? 3. Do you accept your responsibilities? 4. Do you solve problems rather than avoid them? 5. Do you make decisions with a minimum of worry? 6. Do you stick with a choice you made until new factors surface? 7. Are you satisfied with your accomplishments?

Assessing Your Mental Health 8. Do you recognise that thinking about a problem is the first step in toward taking action? 9. Do you learn from failures or defeats? 10. Do you keep success in perspective? 11. Do you enjoy working and enjoy playing? 12. Do you say no to negative situations even though they may provide temporary pleasure? 13. Do you say yes to positive situations even though there may be some momentary displeasure? 14. Can you tell others when you are angry?

Assessing Your Mental Health 15. Can you show affection? 16. Can you endure frustration when the source cannot be changed or eliminated? 17. Can you make compromises in dealing with difficulties? 18. Can you concentrate and work at a single goal? 19. Do you recognize the challenges of life? 20. Can you develop and maintain family and intemate relationships?

Assessing Your Mental Health Count the number of Yeses and the number of Nos If you have more Yeses, you may have more characteristics of good mental health

Emotions Are Normal Emotions are feelings in response to an activity or an experience. They can be positive or negative Example: Feeling angry is natural but expressing that anger with violence is not. Hormones and Drugs can also alter ones mood or emotions.

Expressing Emotions Expressing emotions is learned from past experiences. Your personal interactions and Modeling of others You see how someone else reacts and the next time the same situation happens to you, you react in the same manner.

Expressing Emotions Expressing emotions in a positive way is an essential skill that must be practiced and rehearsed. Example: When feeling angry, instead of hitting something or someone. Do some strenuous exercise or talk to someone about it.

Kinds of Emotions

Love The feeling of strong affection or caring for another person. Everyone has the need to love, and the need to be loved by others. There are different types of Love. Romantic Love is often confused with attraction in the adolescence years.

Happiness The feeling of joy and well-being or contentment Happiness can also be a goal that drives people – self help books

Tips on how to be happy. - Recognize that you have some control in your life -You are the only one who can control your attitude and how you react. -Adopt a healthy lifestyle Have a positive attitude -Think about what makes you happy and make time for those activities

Tips on how to be happy. Work hard at tasks you find meaningful Be organized, but flexible, so you can adapt to changes as they occur in your life. -Establish close relationships with others

Optimism Feeling that life experiences will be positive (having a positive attitude) Optimism is a healthy emotion that affects your physical wellbeing

Humour A characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling that provokes laughter Humour provides a way of expressing negative emotions in a positive way. Laughter can boost your immune system

Fear - The feeling of danger Fear response – Increase heart rate, muscles tense, and your senses become more alert. Staying in this state can harm your body. Fears are useful as they protect you from harm If the feeling of danger is not realistic it should be managed.

Managing Fear How to deal with fear Self talk - Saying things to yourself in order to view a fear more realistically Environmental planning - Rearrange the environment to reduce your fear

Anger A strong feeling of irritation Anger also increases heart rate, raises blood pressure, causes headaches and nausea

Managing Anger Recognize what the source of anger is. Others can make you angry but they do not make you express your anger It is important to talk to someone about the problem as bottling is bad for your health.

Guilt - The feeling that you have done something wrong or are responsible for something bad happening Guilt can be a cue to resolve a problem

Managing Guilt Think about what the source of guilt is. If you have made a mistake, correct it and the move on. If the guilt seems overwhelming seek a professions help

Depression A feeling of anxiety, loneliness, and despair It can interfere with the ability to carry out daily tasks affects 33% of teens

Depression - Symptoms Sleeping too much or too little - Loss of appetite -Feeling tired throughout the day - Loss of energy -Lack of interest or lack of ability to concentrate -Withdrawal from a group

Factors linked to depression Family History – the tendency for depression appears to be hereditary (genes or environment?) Major life stresses – personal traumas – neglect, abuse Physical Illness – Illness can causes depression for multiple reasons Substance abuse – The dependency and guilt can cause depression Gender – more likely in women

Managing Depression Exercise – releases endorphins Identify what has made you depressed Focus on positive things in life Talk to a friend or professional Exercise – releases endorphins

Are you at risk for depression Write your answers on a blank piece of paper Do not show others your answers. You can also fill this out to see if you think a friend is depressed. Answer Yes or No

Are you at risk for depression 1. Do you have problems concentrating or making decisions? 2. Are you almost always tired, or do you have problems sitting still because you are so upset 3. Do you sleep well? Are you sleeping much more or much less than usual?

Are you at risk for depression 4. Have you gained or lost a significant amount of weight? 5. Do you find that you are no longer enjoy things that used to make you happy? 6. Do you feel worthless most of the time? 7. Do you have thoughts of death?

Are you at risk for depression If you answered Yes to 5 or more of these questions, please speak to a school councillor, parent, guardian, teacher, etc.

Jealousy The feeling of wanting something that someone else has or the fear of losing something you have.

Managing Jealousy Discuss your feeling with the person involved Jealousy that is not dealt with can lead to anger

Loneliness - The feeling of isolation or alienation Managing Loneliness Take charge - Engage in activities that will make you part of a group. Make the effort to call old friends or volunteer Ended here

Shyness The feeling of being timid or bashful Often people who are shy, lack self-esteem

Managing Self-esteem / Improving Self Esteem Make a list of your strengths and positive traits Do not put yourself down. It makes you feel inferior Put yourself in situations with supportive people Do not spend time with people who make you feel bad about yourself. If this cannot be avoided remember your strengths and positive traits Do not be afraid to try new things and fail. Failures teach lessons that help you grow as a person.

Questions How would you know if you are mentally healthy? I (1) List four SMART goals you can set to achieve happiness I (2) Describe some positive strategies for managing anger I (1) List four things you can do to keep from feeling lonely I (1)