4 Domains Child Welfare, Juvenile Education and Mental/Health Performance Measures 4 Domains Child Welfare, Juvenile Education and Mental/Health
Child Welfare Measures Child Welfare Performance Measures: 1) Decrease percent of children and youth who enter into the child welfare system-Percent of CMP youth with no new open involvements in Trails after CMP services began Open involvement - The opening of a child welfare case (this does not include PA3 or assessment) there must be at least one client “participating as a child” in Trails. Who qualifies for this measure: any child or youth that has a current or past open involvement; any child or youth at risk of an open involvement- one example could be if a client has had a PA3/assessment: any youth in detention; any youth on probation, diversion or at risk of juvenile justice involvement; any child or youth that is receiving or that has been referred to mental health service; any child or youth that has a truancy or behavior issue in school. Time frames for measure: From the date CMP services began (date after initial entry) to one year following.
Child Welfare 2) Increase safety of children and youth -Percent of CMP youth with no substantiated abuse findings after CMP services began definition: Substantiated abuse (19-3-308) - A founded allegation means that the abuse and or neglect assessment established by a preponderance of the evidence that an incident(s) of abuse and or neglect occurred. Who qualifies for this measure: any child or youth that has a current or past open involvement; any child or youth at risk of an open involvement: any youth in detention; any youth on probation, diversion or at risk of juvenile justice involvement; any child or youth that is receiving or that has been referred to mental health service; any child or youth that has a truancy or behavior issue in school. Time frames for measure: From the date that CMP services began (date after initial entry) to one year following.
Child Welfare 3) Increase placement stability of children and youth – Percent of CMP children and youth who experienced two or fewer moves while in out of home placement Remain home – a) home of origin with family (this can mean some family do not remain in the home) Remain with family of origin (this can mean two family origin homes ie. after divorce with joint custody); not placed outside of the home or with non-custodial family member Out of home placement (19-1-103(85)) – Placement out of the home means placement for 24 hours residential care in any facility or center operated or licensed by the department of human services, but the term does not include any placement that is paid for totally by private money or any placement in a home for the purposes of adoption. Placement out of the home may be voluntary or court-ordered. Placement out of the home includes independent living. Foster homes and certified kinship homes are considered out of home placements
Child Welfare – domain #3 continue Removal (19-1-102) – To remove a child from the custody of his/her parents only when his welfare and safety or the protection of the public would otherwise be endangered and, in either instance, for the courts to proceed with all possible speed to a legal determination that will serve the best interest of the child What constitutes a move - depends on custody – once in the custody of the department every move counts. Certified vs. non-certified home if certified then custody was established with the county department. (If that child is in an out of home placement and that child is moved to another out of home placement– any change in placement setting of a child in custody of DHS) Who qualifies for this measure: any child or youth that has a current out of home placement involved with child welfare Time frames for measure: From the date they become involved with CMP to one year following
Child Welfare 4) Increase permanency of children and youth involved in child welfare – Percent of CMP children and youth discharged to a permanent home (adoption, reunification, legal guardianship) Permanent home – A child receives love, stability and a sense of belonging with a caring family in the context of adoption, reunification, legal guardianship or permanent legal custody. Who qualifies for this measure: Any child or youth that has a current out of home placement involved with child welfare Time frames for measure: From the date they become involved with CMP to one year following
Child Welfare Who qualifies for this measure: 5) Increase the number of children and youth who remain home - Percent of children and youth who remain in their home (without an removal) during CMP involvement Remain home – a) home of origin with family/kin - this can mean some family do not remain in the home b) remain with family of origin (this can mean two family origin homes ie. after divorce with joint custody); c) not placed outside of the home or with non-custodial family member Removal (19-1-102) – To remove a child from the custody of his/her parents only when his welfare and safety or the protection of the public would otherwise be endangered and, in either instance, for the courts to proceed with all possible speed to a legal determination that will serve the best interest of the child Who qualifies for this measure: Child and youth who have an open involvement with the county department and are in their home of origin or with kin Time frames for the measure: From the date they become involved with CMP to one year following
Juvenile Justice Measures 1) Increase success for youth involved in the juvenile justice system – Percent of CMP youth who successfully complete diversion. 2) Increase success for youth involved in the juvenile justice system - Percent of CMP youth who successfully complete probation 3) Increase success for youth involved in the juvenile justice system – Percent of CMP youth who successfully complete parole 4) Prevent involvement in the juvenile justice system – Percent of CMP youth who do not enter into diversion, probation or parole Diversion successful completion – A case is not filing or refiled in court and completed all terms of their diversion contract Probation successful completion – completion of terms and conditions of probation which includes successful or neutral termination Parole successful completion – complete the terms and conditions of parole
Juvenile Justice – domain #1 continued Who qualifies for the measures: • Any child or youth that is currently involved with or under the supervision of: diversion, probation or parole when CMP services began • Any child or youth that is currently under supervision of the municipal court • Any client in a juvenile justice related prevention program • Any child or youth that is currently involved with truancy court Time Frame for the measure: In fiscal year any child or youth that completes or is removed from the supervision of: diversion, probation or parole Tracking: • At local level = ensure client has completed program to count in fiscal year if not then client will roll over to following year and not count against or for measure. (If a client is still on probation then we count them the next year) Define a process for checking clients against each system at the local level • At state level a data match will occur between CDHS and SCAO
Juvenile Justice 2) Decrease commitment to the Division of Youth Services – Percent of CMP youth diverted from being committed to DYS Diverted – to cause someone to turn in a different direction Who qualifies for the measures: • Any child or youth that is currently involved with or under the supervision of: diversion or probation when CMP services began • Any child or youth that is currently under supervision of the municipal court • Any client in a juvenile justice related prevention program Time Frame for the measure: In fiscal year any child or youth that completes or is removed from the supervision of: diversion, probation or parole
Juvenile Justice 3) Prevent involvement with juvenile justice system – Percent of children and youth who did not enter into detention due to CMP involvement. Who qualifies for the measures: • Any child or youth that is currently involved with or under the supervision of: diversion or probation when CMP services began • Any child or youth that is currently under supervision of the municipal court • Any client in a juvenile justice related prevention program Time Frame for the measure: In fiscal year any child or youth that qualifies for the measure and does not enter detention in that fiscal year ending June 30th.
Education Measures Education Measures: 1) Increase school attendance – Percent of children and youth with improved school attendance rates while involved with CMP services 2) Increase academic achievement – Percent of children and youth with improved academic performance while involved with CMP services 3) Decrease disciplinary problems at school – Percent of children and youth with fewer disciplinary actions (referrals, suspensions or expulsions) while involved with CMP services 4) Increase school stability – Percent of children and youth who have one or fewer school moves while involved with CMP services.
Mental Health/Health Measures 1) Decrease problem severity – Percent of CMP children and youth with: a) decreased problem severity and b) improved level of functioning on CCAR or similar tool while involved with CMP services 2) Increase well-being – Percent of families with improved MST outcome indicators or successful complete mental health treatment 3) Decrease substance use – Percent of children and youth who successfully complete 90 day in patient substance abuse treatment or intensive outpatient treatment 4) Increase children and youth’s health – Percent of children and youth who established linkages to: a) primary care provider; b) oral care provider; c)substance abuse provider; d) mental health provider; or e) health insurance coverage
Mental Health/Health Action Items: 1) CCAR and similar tool need to be defined – is there a better process since state does not support CCAR any longer 2) Define successful complete MH treatment 3) Define improved MST outcome (1 improvement or across all domains) 4) Do we need a measure regarding trauma tool 5) Define what established linkage is: (warm handoff vs written referral) (what does linkage mean does it mean referral) 6) Define new linkage (had referral before and never went) 7) Define what makes a difference actual attend of new service – higher threshold of actually getting into a service and having them attend 8) Define successful ( one time visit to new linkage or attending regularly) 9) Time frames