MEET your VPs and Staff… Larry Taylor, VP Challenge Debbie Morton, Asst. Director Challenge, Academy, Tournaments + Marvin Bishop, VP Classic Colby Morton, Asst. Director Classic & Cups Larry is the former President of Burke Soccer Association. He also chairs the Discipline and Appeals Committee. Debbie oversees the day to day programming for the Challenge/current “Select” teams and will work with the 3rd division Classic. Marvin’s involvement in the sport began when his two sons started playing His youngest recently finished up at WFU playing for the NCAA Championship. Colby works with the Classic Program and plans/implements the State Cup Series.
Call to order/quorum
PURPOSE/GOALS: Assist membership by removing negative/unwanted stigma associated with “Select” Allows members to place teams correctly based on accurate competitive level, not because of the status associated with name Provides “pathway” for members to offer players Help members retain players to sustain and grow organization
The ISSUES: Current program has negative/unwanted stigma associated with name “Select” Clubs placing teams at higher levels than the team’s competitive ability because of parents/status need Creates uneven balance of teams in divisions, teams being pushed up have “bad/negative” experience and players may chose to leave club or sport as a whole Disparity in competition level affects other teams who may travel to play a match against a team they are stronger than, creates a negative experience as well.
How 3rd Division Classic SOLVES: Removes negative stigma associated with naming Clubs may place teams where they are balanced competitively as all teams would be considered CLASSIC Clubs are able to retain players; players, esp. at younger age groups, are having POSITIVE playing experiences, keeping them in the sport. Provides a “pathway” structure for clubs. They can show a parent/player the “path” from 3rd division to 2nd division to 1st and so forth as the player develops and improves.
details: 3rd Division is for 11U-19U G/B. Replaces current “SELECT PROGRAM” Players/Teams would be registered as CLASSIC 3rd division teams will have “POOLED” rosters similar to Academy and OSL. (Note: normal registration rules apply NO Promotion or Relegation in or out of 3rd division. If a team wants to move up to 2nd division, they would just enter in as a new team. FOCUS will be made when bracketing will be limiting travel
Registration for fall 2018 ONCE YOUR CLASSIC ACF IS COMPLETED AND SUBMITTED, TIME TO DO YOUR ONLINE INTENT TO PLAY FORM WORK WITH YOUR ASSOCIATION HR ON CLASSIC ACF BRACKETS WILL BE POSTED 7/11/18 Your Head Registrar will complete the Classic Association Commitment form where they name the teams in the Registration System. Those team names are sent to SINC and are the ones that will be available for Classic ITPs. Go to; and then REGISTER/ITP in the menu bar. SELECT the BLUE BUTTON labeled REGISTER A TEAM to begin the online Intent to Play process. Those persons listed as the team contacts should get a confirmation email. Go to; and find the story in the main page news feed with the dates of schedule due dates. Classic 3rd division “in-house” scheduling meetings will be finalized soon.
VOTE: Do you approve the proposal to replace the current “Select Program” with the 3rd Division Classic? YES NO A B Server connection lost - please check settings.