So what does fop mean Case laws (supreme court rulings)
Cases decided, fop clarified Indian Express Newspapers v. Union of India- fop not found in constitution but is present in the larger guarantee of freedom of speech and expression. It means no interference by the state in the affairs of the press Printers (Mysore) Ltd. v. Asst. Commercial Tax Officer- sales tax on the sale of newspaper cannot be imposed (no special taxes, but must adhere to general laws)
More cases Brij Bhushan v. State of Delhi – pre- censorship is invalidated. Newspaper can publish its views and the views of its correspondents on burning issues Express Newspapers v. Union of India- Working journalists act valid under reasonable restrictions on Art 19(1)(a)- newspapers not immune to taxes and other laws of industrial relations
Still more Sakal Paper Ltd. v. Union of India- state cannot impose restriction on price and number of pages or where the newspaper should be sold- invalidated the Price and Page Act, 1960 Bennet Colman and Co. v. Union of India- Newsprint policy of the government was struck down as it imposed restrictions on the circulation- financial viability at stake
So what does it amount to? Freedom of the Press amounts to : 1. Right to print and publish news and views of the newspaper and its correspondents with any undue interference from the state 2. To circulate the same any where in India 3. To fix a price and the number of pages 4. To hire journalists and non-journalists according to the requirements
And… 5. To employ machinery and equipment needed to bring out the newspaper 6. To access information necessary to comment on public officials and their work 7. Criticize the armed forces, government and its policies 8. To decide on the ad:news ratio