ESE 566: Hardware/Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems Fall 2005 Instructor: Dr. Alex Doboli. Paper discussed in class: H. Singh, M.-H. Lee, G. Lu, F. J. Kurdahi, N. Bagherzadeh, E. M. Chaves Filho, “MorphoSys: An Integrated Reconfigurable System for Data-Parallel and Computation-Intensive Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 49, No. 5, May 2000, pp. 465-481.
Brief description of the paper content Briefly, what is the paper discussing? What is the motivation for this work? Describe the structure of the MorphoSys architecture
Taxonomy for Reconfigurable Systems What paradigm is MorphoSys proposing? How is this similar/different from the ideas in Pleiades? What criteria are used to analyze a reconfigurable system? Discuss these criteria (granularity/depth of programmability/reconfigurability/interface/computation models).
Taxonomy for Reconfigurable Systems Discuss Table I and Table II. Explain the differences between SIMD array processors and SIMD-based reconfigurable systems.
MorphoSys Architecture Discuss the Reconfigurable Cell Array (Figure 3). Structure. Reconfiguration modes. What is the correlation between application domain and this structure? What activities does the programmable processor perform?
MorphoSys Architecture Frame Buffer What specific instructions were introduced for the programmable processor?
MorphoSys Architecture Discuss the instructions in Table 3. What is overlap of computation and data transfers? What are its merits? Limitations? What is the operation mode? What parallel operation do take place during operation?
Design of Components What is the structure of an Reconfigurable Cell (Figure 5)? Context Register. Discuss Figure 6. Context Memory Organization. Context Broadcast. Dynamic Reconfiguration. Selective Context Enabling.
Design of Components Interconnect network. What hierarchical levels are there in the network? Summarize the architectural features of MorphoSys. Compare with Pleiades. Discuss advantages and limitations.