The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson
Big Question: When is Rebellion justified? With your partner discuss situations in which an individual or a group rebelled against a perceived injustice?
About the Author He was one of the most accomplished founding fathers As president he essentially doubled the size of the country. He developed the policy of separation of church and state He favored the rights of the states over the federal government
Words to Know Argument: expresses and opinion on an issue and supports it with reason and evidence Claim: the writers position on a subject or argument Support: evidence to prove the claim Counterargument: the opposing views Purpose: the reason for writing something Audience: who the work is being presented to
Four Main Points of the Declaration of Independence. Preamble, a foreword, that announces the reason for the document. A Declaration of people’s natural rights and relationship to government. A long List of complaints against George III, the British king. A Conclusion that formally states America’s independence.