ServiceLink Training Video Scheduling Service Gaps This video will show you how to schedule and modify gaps in services. A gap in services must be at least ninety days. The client must have an in-progress service or a service scheduled during the hold period. Copyright © 2014, America’s Job Link Alliance–Technical Support (AJLA–TS) All rights reserved. This publication may be copied by subscribers for in-house use only. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise without the prior written permission of AJLA–TS.
To schedule a gap in service, locate the client on your My Cases page, or by conducting a client search. Click the client’s name. On the client’s Case Details page, scroll down to the Program Registrations section. Click the desired open program enrollment link. On the Program Details page, click the desired open enrollment link. On the Enrollment Details page, click Schedule a Service Gap.
Provide the gap start and end dates Provide the gap start and end dates. The Gap End Date must be at least 90 days from the Gap Start Date. Type the reason for the gap. The Office and Station Desk default to the your information. Edit if necessary. To schedule the gap in service, click Submit. If there are no open services for this enrollment or any scheduled to begin during the hold period, you will receive an error message. Otherwise, a confirmation page displays. Click Return to Enrollment Details.
In progress gaps in services display on the Enrollment Details page In progress gaps in services display on the Enrollment Details page. To extend or end the gap in services, click the Schedule a Service Gap link. To extend the gap in services, provide the new Gap End Date. The gap start date cannot be edited. Type the Reason for Extension. The Reason for Extension is not required, but is recommended to provide documentation for the extension. To save the information and extend the gap, click Edit Gap. To close the gap in services, type the Gap End Date and click Close Gap. The confirmation page displays.
Thank You! Now you know how to schedule and modify gaps in services. Thank you for completing this training.