Declaring Independence
EQ: How does the Declaration of Independence affect you today?
Declaration of Independence Take your copy of The Declaration of Independence and underline, color or highlight words you do not know the Definition of. You have 10 minutes
Second Continental Congress Forms the Continental Army (George Washington is the commanding General) Permission given to create and write the Declaration of Independence Authorized the printing of paper money to pay the soldiers
Olive Branch Petition Last chance at peace between the Colonists and England King George III rejected the petition and added harsher punishments to the colonists British Navy would create a blockade to keep the American ships from leaving
Common Sense Sold more than 100,000 copies in 3 months (extremely popular) Helped convince American’s that a separation was necessary Preached that America should follow its own destiny
Declaration of Independence Starting in June 1776 the Continental Congress starts the writing of The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson is given credit for the writing of the Declaration
Declaration of Independence Now take the words you didn’t know the definition of, and find the definition of those words. Use your phones or the book (pg. 182-185) You can work with a classmate at your table if you would like to.
Declaration of Independence Now that you have defined the words re-read the Declaration and write a ½ page of how the Declaration of Independence affects you today.