Instructions on how to use the Kieso, Intermediate Accounting CPA Assessment Tool Step 1: Click on the Wiley Plus Link From your UoPhx assignment page to open Wiley Plus
Step 2: Find the CPA Exam Assessment Tool and click on this Select CPA Exam Assessment Tool and press enter
This is the CPA Exam Assessment Tool landing screen Step 3: Scroll down to registration area
Step 4: Register as shown below Fill in your name, e-mail and choose a password Select Arizona as the State and Univ Of Phoenix as the University Select: Student Press Register
Go to: Returning Users & enter your e-mail and password Step 5: Once you have registered you will be brought to this screen – Follow instructions below Go to: Returning Users & enter your e-mail and password
This is where you will launch the application Step 6: Once you have registered , you will then be brought to the: My Product screen This is where you will launch the application Step 7: Once you hit the End User License Agreement please scroll thru it and Accept it
Step 7: Please watch the enclosed video for a CPA Review Test Bank Overview and Walk-thru
Step 8: In order to receive the completion points, after you have completed the assigned chapter exercise, place a check next to it and e-mail a screen shot of your completion to your instructor as shown below. Do this for each assigned chapter CPA Review exercise