Optimal Use of New Fentanyl Formulations for BTCP in Asia
Issues in the Optimal Management of BTCP in Asia
Patients in Pain Crisis
Which Medication Is Suitable?
Appropriate Patient Selection for Transmucosal Immediate-Relief Fentanyl
End-of-Dose Failure
The Titration Schedule of Sublingual Fentanyl
Program Goal
BTCP: Definition
BTCP: Subtypes
Effect of BTCP on QoL
Challenges in the Treatment of BTCP
APM Guidelines
Current EAPC Recommendations
Comparison of Different Routes of Administration of Fentanyl for BTCP
Considerations When Choosing a Specific Opioid Preparation for BTCP
Dose Titration of Opioid Rescue Medication: APM Recommendations
Clinical Considerations When Treating Patients With BTCP
Abbreviations (cont)