Comunicación y Gerencia Judaism
Important Terms Judaism – named after tribe of Judah Jew – shortened form of Judean – member of tribe of Judah Jehovah – God of the Jews Hebrew – originally Habiru – “they who crossed over” refered to people who crossed the desert – now the language of the Jews Scriptures – the sacred books of Judaism Torah – the laws of Moses, first 5 books of the Bible
Founder and Origin
Introduction Judaism oldest of the monotheistic religions. Founded by Abraham around 1750 B.C.E. Although Abraham is seen as the founder, his grandson Jacob, whose name changed to Israel, was the father of 12 children. They became known as the “children of Israel”, or Israelites.
Who is a Jew? Traditionally, a Jew is anyone whose mother is a Jew The Ancient Israelites’ passed heritage on by the mother instead of the father because you are always sure who the mother is. You can also be a Jew by conversion Some orthodox groups do not recognize converts as Jews
Abraham He was the first person who entered into a convenant, or contract with God. Sacrifice of Isaac. Covenant was that Jews were God’s chosen people and Jehovah was their only God. Abraham was the first Patriarch which means “Father/male of the House”. Matriarch means “Mother/female of the house”. This is where “Ma” and “Pa” came from.
The Story of Moses When Moses was born, Israelites were slaves of Egypt. God spoke to Moses and ordered him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses asked Pharoah to “Let My People Go” 10 plagues Last was death of 1st born – Passover! Flee – Parting of Red Sea Mt Sinaí – 10 Commandments 40 years in Desert Promised Land - Philistines
Beliefs and Practices Monotheism (Believe in one God) God will send the messiah to redeem the Jews (Jesus was NOT the Messiah) Written scriptures. Torah (five books of Moses) Jerusalem is the Holy City where the Messiah will come. The Torah provides guidance for society Keeping Kosher. All food must be blessed by a Rabbi. Where does this practice come from? Forbidden foods – Pork, meat and dairy at the same meal Circumcision Bar / Bat Mitzvah – ceremony to recognize adulthood
Symbols & Architecture
Symbols include:Star of David which is the universal symbol of Judaism. The Western Wall : the last part of the Temple of Jerusalem. Torn down by the Romans, now Judaism’s holiest spot.