jdeal@effingham.k12.ga.us vatcheson@effingham.k12.ga.us October 30, 2017 “A” Week ~5th Grade Newsletter~ Mrs. Deal & Mrs. Atcheson jdeal@effingham.k12.ga.us vatcheson@effingham.k12.ga.us Upcoming Events Oct. 31- Halloween Goody Bags Nov. 3 - Popcorn and Coke $1 Nov. 8 - Book Fair begins 11/13 Deal 11/15 Atcheson Nov. 9 - Family Reading Night (time TBD) Western theme Nov. 10 - Veteren’s Day program, Progress Reports Nov. 17 - 4-H 9:00, PBIS Bingo Nov. 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break Nov. 30 - PTSO 7:00: 2nd and 3rd gr. performing We Are Learning About… Reading – Novel study Bridge to Terabithia, Text Structures, Vocab and Comprehension Grammar and Writing- Commas, Appositives, Informative Writing Math- Multiplying and dividing decimals with powers of ten Science– Constructive and Destructive Forces ~~Be sure to read 20 minutes each night and log your reading!! Reading increases fluency, which helps with comprehension and vocabulary acquisition in ALL subjects. ~Parents, please sign logs and agendas nightly. Upcoming Assessments ELA- 11/3 BTT quiz ch. 5-6 Science-11/3 Constructive/destructive forces Specials Schedule Deal Atcheson Mon.& Fri.-PE Mon. & Wed.- PE Tu.-Music Tu.- Tech Wed.-Art Th.- Art Th-Tech Fri.- Music Ice cream-$1.00 Every Thursday