News Report - Structure News Report - Structure Why am I learning this? Its a writing task on the OSSLT – March 31 st, 2011.Its a writing task on the OSSLT – March 31 st, We become better readers of the news when we understand how a news report is structured.We become better readers of the news when we understand how a news report is structured.
Stories Reports Creative Fiction Title Author Builds suspense and mystery Learn more about characters/themes Complete and contained Informational Non-fiction Headline Reporter/Byline No suspense and no mystery – just the facts Learn about the world as it is A piece that hooks to other report. Each day more information is added as the story continues to unfold.
Inverted Pyramid Style Structure:
News Report - Reminders Use short sentences and short paragraphs Get information to the reader immediately Write in 3 rd Person Use quotes and use the graphic to tell the story Use active and descriptive verbs. Report starts with a hook (headline) and ends with a hook – hints to follow-up story.
Three Cs of Journalism Clear: use simple common language. Concise: use precise direct language that avoids wordiness. Correct: use facts and be objective. If you use opinions, they must be quoted from other sources such as witnesses OR experts. The news writer must be without bias in their reporting.