Agenda 3/6/17 TEKS: (6.1A) trace characteristics of various contemporary societies in regions that resulted from historical events or factors such as invasion, conquests, colonization, immigration, and trade. (6.1B) analyze the historical background of various contemporary societies to evaluate relationships between past conflicts and current conditions. (6.15F) identify and explain examples of conflict and cooperation between and among cultures. Language Objective: Students will learn about a Jewish family in hiding during World War II. Forget Me Not: The Diary of Anne Frank (Finish Video) & Quiz **WRITING PROMPT** ***Test on Wednesday, March 8th (WWI, WWII and Cultures in Conflict)
Agenda 3/7/17 Review for test- World War I, World War II and Cultures in Conflict 1. Political Cartoon- next slide 2. Marker board races/study guide
1. What is the main idea of this political cartoon. 2 1. What is the main idea of this political cartoon? 2. Which event resulted from the conflict depicted in the cartoon above? Germany and the Soviet Union form an alliance against the Allies in WWII Soviet Union fights against the Allies in WWI Soviet Union joins the Allies to fight in WWII
Agenda 3/8/17 TEST-World War I, World War II and Cultures in Conflict
Agenda 3/9/17 Reading – Jews and Palestinians: Two Claims to Palestine TEKS: (6.15F) identify and explain examples of conflict and cooperation between and among cultures. Language Objective: Students will learn about the claims over land in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Reading – Jews and Palestinians: Two Claims to Palestine Storyboard activity- fold paper into 8 squares- illustrate each paragraph in the box
FRIDAY 3/10/17 HW: Have a safe and restful spring break! Film – America in the 20th Century: World War II: The World at War (test retakes) HW: Have a safe and restful spring break!