Religious Center 3 Religions: -Judaism, Christianity, Islam all started in SW Asia (The Middle East) Jerusalem (located in Israel): -a city where Jews, Christians, Muslims have lived for centuries
THE BASICS 3 Religions believe: one God-monotheism each led by a single person set of sacred writings Jerusalem
HISTORY -Hebrews- 1st monotheist religion -called God “Yahweh” -Yahweh spoke to Abraham- go to Canaan (PRESENT DAY Israel) -his (Abraham) descendants are Jews
A STORY OF EXILE 586 BC -Babylonians from Mesopotamia -Destroyed the First Temple built by Jews in Jerusalem -Jews exiled to Babylonia 1st Temple built by King Solomon
REBUILDING THE TEMPLE 536 BC: -Jews allowed back to Jerusalem -Persians took control of Mesopotamia -Jews allowed back to Jerusalem -rebuilt Temple 2nd Temple in Jerusalem
THE 2ND TEMPLE DESTROYED Roman Controlled Jerusalem -Jews revolted in 66AD - (2ND)Temple destroyed The Wailing Wall remains
Jewish Leaders… encouraged Jews to replace worship in Temple with prayer, study, and good deeds.
1800 YEARS LATER… -Jews lived outside of Jerusalem hoping it would once again be home of Judaism
Birth of Christianity
8 to 4 BC Jewish boy, Jesus, born in Bethlehem in ancient Palestine (Israel)
4 Gospels -story of his life started 30 yrs. after Jesus’ death -Christian scripture in Bible (New Testament)
EARLY LIFE -Jesus grew up Galilee -baptized by his cousin John the Baptist -Jesus traveled preaching religion of love and forgiveness, and performing miracles -people (disciples) came to hear his words
MESSIAH Jewish people: -believed a Messiah, or savior would come to lead them out of exile Messiah: -some people believed Jesus was the Messiah -Jesus became know as Christ, Greek for Messiah
Christians -people who believed in Jesus’ ideas and teachings Government &Religious Leaders: -feared Jesus teaching as threat to their power -Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover was betrayed by Judas, a Disciple -Jesus arrested, tried, crucified and died
THE WORD Jesus Disciples: -spread his teachings and their belief that he was the Messiah promised in Jewish scripture Roots in Judaism: -new religion Christianity developed Christianity: -based on life and teaching of Jesus -spread to other parts of world from Jerusalem
Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam
Muhammad 570 AD: -Muhammad born in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) -founder of Islam Mecca during Hajj
THE BASICS Islam: -believe in 1 God and Muhammad is his Prophet (person who speaks through Divine inspiration) Muslim: -a believer in Islam 610 AD: -Muslims believe God spoke to Muhammad
BELIEFS Muhammad teachings: -came from angel Gabriel, who revealed the will of God Gabriel: -sent revelations to Muhammad for 22 years Qur’an: -collection of revelations, sacred text of Islam Mohammed: -encouraged people to worship one God, aid the poor (included in the 5 Pillars of Faith)
622 AD -Muhammad left Mecca for Medina (where he later dies) -Gov’t thought he was a threat to traditions and business - start beginning of Muslim calendar Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia