Project planning and status (February 2018)


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Presentation transcript:

Project planning and status (February 2018) PANDA pellet tracking Project planning and status (February 2018) Ongoing: Multi-camera r/o and control. Monitoring and analysis s-w is being developed. Preparation of a “generator” tracking chamber that can house four measurement levels. All hardware details for the chamber are ready. Time line: Tests of a measurement level module (DM) prototype were done 2016. Tests of the “generator” tracking section start during 2018 - ... Design of the “dump” tracking section. It depends on mechanical design of the target dump area and on experience from cluster-jet tests at COSY. To be able to prepare the complete system with two tracking sections, additional funding is needed. From then it will take ≈ two years for completion, provided that some of our expert personnel (and infrastructure) is still available. Risks: Evaluation done (Autumn 2013 (TDR), Feb 2015 (SG) ). Funding: Consumables and running: Almost zero HPH2020 application to be submitted 2018 Equipment: CTS grant (20k€) 2017-18. New application for 2019? Multi-cam s-w slow in progress due to lack of manpower. SG 2015 comment still valid: “Funding remains an open problem”. The pellet tracking project is not in the PANDA cost book and it is not a Swedish FAIR in-kind contribution. It can therefore not get part of the dedicated SRC support for PANDA. We see therefore no possibility for substantial financing at present. The special problem with funding should be well known since many years by the PANDA management. CTS = Carl Tryggers Stiftelse (a private foundation), SRC = Swedish Research Council, HPH = Hadron Physics Horizon, DM = Detection Module

Test of “Pellet Tracking” with PANDA Cluster-jet at COSY The PTR system will provide jet (x,y) position, shape and detailed variations on different time scales, possibly down to 20 microsec. Some differences between cluster-jet and pellet-stream that the system has been adapted for: 1) size at accelerator pipe about 13 mm compared to 3 mm 2) time structure continuous on the scale of microseconds 3) optical properties i.e. light reflection and transmission Also to some extent how to treat the camera image information. The present UPTS tracking chamber with two measurement levels will be used together with .... ... two DMs each equipped with one LS-camera and one STR-laser at 90 degrees, both with modified optics to cover the jet completely. Compared to a monitoring system based on a standard laser and CCD camera, the PTR system provides possibility to record data at higher rate and the intense illumination gives possibility to use shorter exposure times. This in turn allows studies of time structures and time correlations on a shorter time scale. Time variations down to a few ten microseconds time scale could be studied. If 10 microsec cycles can be used, the jet speed might be measured with some per cents accuracy (for v=200m/s and dt=10 microsec), by studying suitable disturbances. ”If”, refers mainly to light yield and data-taking/handling capacity. The laser beam must be orthogonal to the camera line of sight (for technical reasons), since a wide laser beam that covers the whole jet, requires the big windows. DM = Detection Module. Integrated module with cameras and lasers fixed on a common plate, i.e. not individually as in this photo. Time plan: Spring 2018 – assemble and prepare the setup in Uppsala. All h-w details are ready. Summer service period – install the PTR chamber at COSY. August 2018 ... – install the DMs and carry out the run.

Installation of the Pellet tracking system at the COSY beam region, in steps: PTR chamber and cabling together with installation of the cluster dump. Two DMs with cameras and lasers just before running of the cluster-jet. The cluster-jet test setup at COSY. The photos show the installed scattering chamber (April 2017). The PTR chamber could sit just below the COSY beam and be attached (via an adapter flange) to the DN200CF flange seen in the middle of the photos. Cabling*: CamLink cables 10 meter long between camera and W7 PC with frame grabber (FG) cards. 2) Power distribution box(es). At least one which is possible to switch on/off from Cosy eye. 3) Laser control USB cable 10 meter long between laser intensity control box (Moxa) and W7 PC. DM = Detection Module. Integrated module with cameras and lasers fixed on a common plate (next slide). Some measurements: + height of COSY beam over floor 1800 mm. + height of the DN200CF flange over floor 1610 mm (left photo). + free distance from the cluster-jet to the valve and vertical pipe (seen in photos) is 360 mm. The PTR DM plate sticks out 310-340 mm in different directions. .From “Test of the Pellet TRacking (PTR) system in a Cluster-jet setup” (hc170428).

For the cluster-jet setup, 1 camera and 1-2 lasers will be used. Installation of the Pellet tracking system at the COSY beam region. The DMs should be pre-aligned in a desktop setup and installed just before the run. Its alignment should then be checked and finetuned with the cluster-jet after the installation. The photo shows a DM with two cameras and three lasers in a desktop setup for alignment of the cameras and lasers. From left to right camera A, lasers B, C, A and camera B. The alignment target is normally placed at the cross in the center. For the cluster-jet setup, 1 camera and 1-2 lasers will be used. DM = Detection Module. Integrated module with cameras and lasers fixed on a common plate. .From “Test of the Pellet TRacking (PTR) system in a Cluster-jet setup” (hc170428).

Installation of the Pellet tracking system at the COSY beam region. The PTR chamber could sit just below the COSY beam and be attached (via an adapter flange) to the DN200CF flange at the bottom of the scattering chamber. Reduction flange DN 200/160 CF-F. Its thickness is 25 mm. Drawing of the PTR chamber. Additional considerations: - It may be needed some radiation shielding of the cameras. One should prepare for this (just in case ...). - One might put a short vacuum section between the scattering chamber and the PTR chamber e.g. for placing vacuum gauges. - Some std CCD cameras might be included in the system. We have no experience of running the LS-cameras in a radiation environment.