Video: "Duck and Cover" (1951)
The Space Race Begins The Space Race began in1957 57. Name some ways that the Cold War was taken into outer space. (p. 841) The Space Race began in1957 Soviet Union launched Sputnik. Sputnik was the first artificial satellite to orbit Earth. The first US space flight was piloted in 1961, 15 min. a Soviet cosmonaut named Yuri A. Gagarin orbited Earth in a spaceship called Vostok.
What was the “Race”? The Soviet Union and The United States linked rockets and missile technology in the 1950's. This led to research about space exploration and travel. The Soviet Union was interested in missiles and bomb delivery systems US man walks on moon This is Explorer 1, built by NASA and sanctioned by Congress in 1951 and launched in 1958. NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration
58. Explain how and why both Vietnam and Korea were split during the Cold War era. (p. 888-890, 890-892) The parallel lines divided both countries into a northern, Communist Country supported by the Soviet Union, and a southern, democratic nation supported by the United States
59. How did the end of the Cold War affect the city of Berlin and the Soviet Union differently? (p. 856-857, 865) How was Eastern Europe affected? (p. 867-871) Each Allied Power (France, GB, Russia, US) controlled a part of Germany for a period of time (until 1949) Divided Berlin into 4 parts too. Eastern Europe was controlled by the communist Soviet Union, West Berlin was controlled by the three democratic nations.
Official End of the Cold War The two key phrases of the Gorbachev era were: "glasnost" (openness) and "perestroika" (reform). Open to western influence and brought democratic and semi-capitalist reforms argued in favor of an end to the arms race with the West. Dismantled the USSR Policies, then dismantled ssr Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet Leader 1985 - 1990 60. Using specific examples, explain how Mikhail Gorbachev was important in ending the Cold War. (p. 865)
Nelson Mandela - Invictus 61. Who was Nelson Mandela and what was his role in ending apartheid in South Africa? (p. 939) Nelson Mandela - Invictus Nelson Mandela, Banned and imprisoned for speaking out against the South African system of apartheid First Black president in South Africa in his first term as the South African President, initiates a mission to unite the apartheid-torn land: enlist the national rugby team on a mission to win the 1995 Rugby World Cup
The right and left eye of India… India was partitioned into India and East and West Pakistan. That is because there was a large Muslin population in the north of India. 62. What are the main differences/causes of conflict between Pakistan and India? (p. 900)
Displacement of Jews after the holocaust 63. Explain the main reasons that Israel is in conflict with the Palestinians/Arabs in the area, including the main events of this conflict. (p. 916) Displacement of Jews after the holocaust British Mandate in Palestine 1922
better medical technologies 64. What are some causes for the increase in the world population in the last 100 years? (p. 833) More food and better medical technologies