ENTERTAINMENT Žiga Šinko, Žiga Tanko
Entertainment is an activity designed to give pleasure or relaxation to an audience.
History Entertainment is an very old activity, that goes back thousands of years. Oldest discoveries of entertainment were found in Egypt.
CATEGORIES Animation Cinema Theatre Circus Comedy Comics Dance Reading Games Music And others
Animation Animation provides moving images that are generated by an artist. Cartoons are a comedic form of animation.
Cinema Cinema provides moving pictures as an art form. Films are produced by a crew that handles the cameras, sets and lighting. The cast consists of actors who appear in front of the camera and follow a script. After the film has been shot, it is edited then distributed to theaters or television studios for viewing.
Circus Circus acts include acrobats, clowns, trained animals, trapeze acts, hula hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists and other stunt-oriented artists.
Theatre Theatre encompasses live performance such as plays, musicals, farces, monologues and pantomimes.
Comedy Comedy provides laughter and amusement. Slapstick film, one-liner joke, observational humor are forms of comedy which have developed since the early days of jesters and traveling minstrels.
Comics Comics comprise of text and drawings which convey an entertaining narrative. Caricature is a graphical entertainment.
Dance Dance refers to movement of the body, usually rhythmic and to music
Reading Reading comprises the interpretation of written symbols. Fantasy, horror, science fiction and mystery are forms of reading entertainment.
Games Games provide relaxation and diversion usually following a rule set. Individual games and group games. Games may be played for achievement or monetary benefit such as gambling or bingo. Most popular today: Video games, ball games and board games.
Music Music is an art form combining rhythm, melody, harmony and/or vocals for entertainment, ceremonial or religious purposes.