IPRE Retreat Transfer & Employment Natalia Córdoba- Velasquez NCV Natalia Córdoba- Velasquez Director of Institutional Research October 20th 2017
Transfer to 4 yr. University A. Transfer Rate B. Transfer Volume C. Transfer Lost- RP -College Futures
A. Transfer Rate Transfer Rate (Velocity) –CCCCO First Time Students (Special Admits, HS Drops, HS Graduates, etc.) Enrolled in CCC System Took at least 12 units at the College “Home” Evaluate “Intent to transfer behavior” 6yrs. Attempted ENG or MAT Data Match (NSC: National Student Clearinghouse)
A. Transfer Rate Number of Students Transferring (4 yr) ______________________________________________ Initial Cohort Size: First Time Student –Transfer Behavior
AY2000-01: 330/102332%
Source: Datamart -Transfer Velocity-10/17/17
A. Transfer Rate b. Transfer Rate (Ed Goal) –Internal dbs Students planning to transfer (with or without degree) Enrolled at Hartnell College Data Match (NSC: National Student Clearinghouse) Number of Students Transferring (4 yr) ___________________________________ Initial Cohort Size of students Ed Goal= Transfer
Students that intended to transfer to a 4 yr. , with OR without 2 yr Students that intended to transfer to a 4 yr. , with OR without 2 yr. degree Source: Collprod-9/25/17
A. Transfer Rate c. Transfer Rate (Transfer Prepared) –Internal dbs Enrolled at Hartnell College Completed 30+ Units Passed Transfer ENG and/or MAT Data Match (NSC: National Student Clearinghouse) Number of Students Transferring (4 yr) _____________________________________________ Initial Cohort Size of students Transfer Ready
Students that prepared to Transfer Source: Collprod-9/25/17
Year 2016-17 not available
B. Transfer Volume 1. Transfer Volume –External Portals In & Out State: 12+ units Data Match (NSC: National Student Clearinghouse) Number of Transfers
Source: Datamart -Transfer Volume- 9/18/17
Source: UC portal-Transfer Volume- 9/18/17
Source: CSU Portal -Transfer Volume- 9/18/17
A. Employment/Placement B. Increase in Earnings C. Supply/Demand Information
A. Employment Current Employment Status CTE- Employment Outcomes Survey (2000) –State Wide Completers Earned Cert or Degree (TOP) were enrolled 0-5 units subsequently) Terminal Certificates- Non approved Cert- N/A Skill-Builders Completed at least 9 units SAM Code: A-C Not enrolled, Not transferred Did not receive cert or award Match data to MIS Match data to EDD
B. Employment What best describes your current employment status?
Source: CTE Launchboard -10/18/17
A. Employment b. Employment Employment two quarters after exiting Employment Four quarters after exiting Median Change in Earnings (%) change in earnings one year before and one year after leaving the program
B. Earnings Before Coursework: What was the hourly wage of your job before your coursework? (If you were salaried, please convert to hourly wage – for a full-time job, divide salary by 2000) After Coursework: What is the hourly wage at your current job? (If you are salaried, please convert to hourly wage - for a full-time job, divide salary by 2000)
($34,117-$21,201)/$21,201 61%