Half Way Through Our Calendar Year, How Are Our Goals Evolving? WITC Leadership Development Webinar Series June 26, 2018
Thank y’all for joining us today....... The Leadership Development and Human Resource Management Team at WITC welcome you to today’s session Our Leadership Development 30 minute webinar objective: To share, develop and reflect on possible ideas and thought processes to generate next iteration Leadership and Supervisory Management practices. Feel free to send any questions or comments that you have at any time during our Webinar using the BlueJeans Chat feature. Today’s webinar session is being recorded and will be posted within 24 hours – witc.edu “webinars” in the search box from any page and click the first result, Free Webinars.
About us being the Leader – Manager – Supervisor Supervision: Creating an environment where our employees can stand and perform at their very best on a daily basis, to help achieve our company objectives and our employees’ can achieve their personal objectives. Leadership: Creating a vision of where we are going and providing a beginning road map of how we will get there! Coaching In – Out - Up
The goal process........ How are our 2018 goals coming? How often do are we look at them? SMART Bench notes on our progress?
The goal process – continued...... Assess where we are at. Prioritize what you want to accomplish yet this year.....can you still do it all? Take some time to plan your actions to achieve..... List out the specific steps we need to take to make our goals happen.... Look at your goals three times a day........
The Progress Principle.... “Of all the things that can boost emotions, motivation, and perceptions during a workday, the single most important is making progress in meaningful work.” The power of small wins: https://hbr.org/2011/05/the-power-of-small-wins As a manager the progress principles holds clear implications for were to focus your efforts. It suggests that you have more influence than you may realize over employees’ well being, motivation and creative output
Steps to modeling the way Modeling the way is a term often used, but what does ‘modelling the way’ look like in the average workplace? One of Kouzes and Posner’s elements of effective leadership, it involves boundaries and frameworks, inspiration and leading by example. Inspire – Vision – Motivate – Goals – Lead by Example – Mentor – Care Motivation is more of a result of doing something than it is a source to pull from. It’s a result of habit, routine, and doing positive actions
Thank you for joining us today.... Motivation is more of a result of doing something than it is a source to pull from. It’s a result of habit, routine, and doing. Our next webinar is July31, 2018: What we say and how we act matters! Attitude in Action..... Our fall 2018 Leadership Development and Human Resource Management courses being August 27. Your Choice Courses. Enjoy your summer time and be great in all that y’all do! Thank you!