Interpreting Your Results 360° Survey Feedback Interpreting Your Results
Presenters Steve Gravenkemper, Ph.D. Todd Pfenninger, M.A.
The Leadership Challenger Original question asked by Kouzes and Posner: - What do people do when they are at their “personal best” in leading others?
The Five Leadership Practices Model the way Inspire a shared vision Challenge the process Enable others to act Encourage the heart
360° Surveys Powerful source of feedback Helpful in clarifying the intent vs. impact of your communication and behavior A “gift” (and risk) from the people who completed the survey
360° Surveys: Tips & Suggestions Do…. Suspend judgment Explore the data Look for patterns
360° Surveys: Tips & Suggestions Don’t…. Get defensive Try to determine who said what Clobber the observer group
Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) Thirty questions Six questions per leadership practice Response scale - Frequency of demonstrating behaviors
The Survey Understanding the survey Brief overview of each section
Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Page 1 Five practices of exemplary leadership About your LPI report - Response scale Rater abbreviations
Five Practices Data Summary Page 2 Ratings provided by Leadership Practice categories
Five Practices Bar Graphs Page 3 Another way of looking at your data from the five Leadership Practice categories
Leadership Behaviors Ranking Page 4 Sample report Explanation of the data presentation
Leadership Behavior Rankings Most Frequent/Least Frequent Page 5 Provides data on each of the 30 individual items Three looks at the data - Self rating - Observer ratings (overall average including Manager) - Manager rating
Leadership Practice Areas Six Behavioral Ratings Within Each Practice Area Pages 6-15 Ratings are listed by each observer group Response scale is at the bottom of the page
Percentile Ranking Page 16 This page compares your Self and Observer rating responses to over one million responses from other leaders taking this survey For example, if your score is in the 50th percentile, that means that half of the leaders in the database were rated higher by their Observers on the Practice, and half were rated lower
Essay Question Responses Page 17 and on These are open-ended responses provided to each of the three essay questions
LPI 360° Worksheet Please turn to the LPI 360° worksheet provided. Use your Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) report to complete your worksheet Todd, Dan and Steve will be circulating the room to answer questions that you might have
Coming Events Optional Leadership Development Session Date: Thursday, February 19th from 8:30 am to 12 pm Goal: To take a more customized and individual look at your LD 36 leadership assessment results including: - StrengthsFinder 2.0 Results - LPI 360° Survey Results Optional: We know that each LD 36 participant has different goals for the program. Please let Dan know today if you have interest in attending this optional session.