Journal Think about your weekend, and write about one event/part of it. This should be in paragraph form.
Image Grammar “Brushstrokes” “The writer is an artist, painting images of life with specific and identifiable brush strokes, images as realistic as Wyeth and as abstract as Picasso. In the act of creation, the writer, like the artist, relies on fundamental elements.” Harry R. Noden
Absolute Brush Stroke •Noun + ing verb •Function: adds to the action Core: The car went into the parking lot. Absolute Brush Stroke •Noun + ing verb •Function: adds to the action Core: The car went into the parking lot. Engine smoking, gears grinding, the car went into the parking lot Engine smoking, gears grinding, the car went into the parking lot.
Add an :Absolute Brushstroke Instead of: The man jumped out of the plane. Write:
Painting with Participles Function: evokes action, makes the reader feel a part of the experience. Core: The car went into the parking lot. Sliding on the loose gravel, the car went into the parking lot.
Add a Participle Brushstroke Instead of: The deer stood at the edge of the woods. Write:
Add Action Verbs Brushstrokes Verbs that do action Function: effective image tools, energize images •Core: The car went into the parking lot. •The car chugged into the parking lot.
Add Action Verbs Brushstrokes Instead of: The mysterious plane flew through the sky. Write:
Practice “Zooming In”
Practice “Zooming In”