WARM UP ACTIVITY With your partner, make a list of 6-8 words that would associate with DEMOCRAT political party.* With your partner, make a list of 6-8 words that would associate with REPUBLICAN political party.* *Please be appropriate
What is Liberalism and Conservatism? (Huh – What?)
Liberalism v Conservatism Democratic v Republican Essential Questions Main Essential Questions: What does it mean to be a Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative? What are the two political parties that make up the American Two Party system? Connected Essential Questions: In what ways can people participate in government? What are political parties and how do they function in our two party system?
Liberalism v Conservatism Democratic v Republican Objective/Purpose Students will: Will be able to differentiate and compare/contrast (Bloom’s Analysis) the two major political parties core platforms Will examine the ideologies behind Liberals, Moderates, and Conservatives. Will be able to identify which political ideology and discuss with their partners/groups.
Liberalism and Conservatism As for the terms "liberal" and "conservative", their meanings and connotations have become very confusing. "Conservative" and "Republican", and "Liberal" and "Democrat" have somewhat become interchangeable in today's society. However, "conservative" really means that one believes that things should stay the same, while "liberal" means that one believes things should change.
Liberalism and Conservatism Historically, societies had not been very free, so Liberals generally supported increased freedoms. The Founding Fathers of the United States were Liberals during their time, since they supported freedoms that did not exist in their society--they wanted things to change. However, today they would (probably) be considered Conservatives, since they supported limited government. Classifying people's political views today by these words is very confusing. Since today a "Conservative" is generally a Republican, and a "Liberal" is generally a Democrat.
Liberalism and Conservatism LIBERALS - believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems. CONSERVATIVES - believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.
Political Spectrum
Democrats and Republicans Who? Oh… those dudes in Washington!
Democrats and Republicans Democrats are generally more liberal. They believe… in a larger federal government, and often implement tax plans to try to help the less privileged. They tend to believe the government must look for the greater good above the individual person in terms of welfare and do what is necessary to make the populace more "equal". They assert that the values our country holds must evolve over time, and, therefore, tend to support such controversial choices as Pro Choice and gay marriage.
Democrats and Republicans Republicans are generally more conservative. They believe… in small, limited, less burdensome government, that the answers do not lay with the government generally, but rather with the people. They want less government interference and tend to believe more strongly in property rights and less strongly in well-fare rights, holding economic equity above equality. Many republicans are religious and tend to hold to the morals characterizing the Founding Fathers, which results in general disapproval of abortions and, for some, gay marriage.
The Democratic Party Oldest Political Party in the US, dating to 1792 Symbolized by the Donkey Famous Democrats: Thomas Jefferson (1st Dem. to be President), FDR, JFK, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama
The Republican Party Also known as the GOP (Grand Old Party) Created as a 3rd party opposing slavery in the 1850’s Symbolized by the Elephant Famous Republicans: Abraham Lincoln (1st Rep. President), Teddy Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, the Bush Family
THE PARTIES ON THE ISSUES Dem. Position Rep. Position Taxes Raise taxes on wealthy, cut or maintain tax amounts on middle class or poor Cut taxes for all people and on businesses Abortion Pro-Choice Pro-Life Gun Control Place more restrictions on guns/gun ownership Less restrictions on guns/gun owners Death Penalty Against Support Welfare Programs Support most of these and making sure they are available long term Place more rules and limits on these programs to cut down costs THE PARTIES ON THE ISSUES Each party has a written platform, or statement of their position on major issues. It is important to know that these are just generalizations about the parties, not every Democrat or Republican shares the same beliefs. Many of these issues are complicated, and there may be several opinions within the parties themselves. It is also common to see a Republican share beliefs with a Democrat on certain issues, and vice versa.
THE PARTIES ON THE ISSUES It is also important to know that the parties positions are always evolving and changing with the needs and opinions of America & Americans. The Goal is always to WIN ELECTIONS! THE PARTIES ON THE ISSUES ISSUE Dem. Position Rep. Position Military Force Usually slower to use military, want support from other countries, willing to cut spending on military Quicker to support military action, willing to usually spend large amounts of $$ on the military Immigration Allow a way for illegal immigrants to gain citizenship, make it easier to become a citizen Treat illegal immigrants as criminals. Supportive of building a fence along US/Mexico border Environment More rules to protect environment. Against offshore drilling for oil or drilling in Alaska Less rules, ok to drill offshore or anywhere else in US Business vs. Workers Support more rights for workers/unions. Higher taxes on business and more rules for them to follow Anti-Union, less rules for businesses to follow
General Party Membership Democrats Republicans Low Income Union Members/Blue Collar Workers Environmentalists Minorities Women Younger voters Urban Areas Northeastern & West Coast States Wealthy Business Owners/CEO’s Men People who identify themselves as religious Military members Older voters Rural/Suburban areas Western & Southern States
Party Membership The largest party in the US is the Democratic Party with 42 million members, republicans claim 30 million, and independents make up 24 million people. Both parties have seen huge drop offs in membership since 2008.
How Americans See Themselves Political Party Political Ideology
Red (Republican) vs. Blue (Democratic) States 2011
Red (Republican) vs. Blue (Democratic) States 2016