Stored Symbols I don’t use stored symbols… Do I?
Stored Symbols Drawing what you really see is challenged by these are images your mind recognizes and therefore doesn’t need to “look at” or “see” to draw. nose mouth
Stored Symbols Some of the best of the worst of stored symbols Classic mushroom tree with red circles
Stored Symbols Some of the best of the worst of stored symbols Complete with hole and self chopping ax
Stored Symbols Some of the best of the worst of stored symbols Mr. Happy Sun!
Stored Symbols Some of the best of the worst of stored symbols Complete with extended lines, and ray bans
Stored Symbols Some of the best of the worst of stored symbols Hands, how many fingers??
Stored Symbols Some of the best of the worst of stored symbols
Learning to See not using stored symbols Your brain stores information differently for different things And it feels different to remember different things Let’s try it out… Remember …
Learning to See not using stored symbols Remember … the capitol of Kansas
Learning to See not using stored symbols Remember … the first lyrics to your favorite song
Learning to See not using stored symbols Remember … the Mona Lisa
Learning to See not using stored symbols Let me show you How it works with drawing Starting from the TOP Draw a face, facing inward. Draw: Forehead Nose Lips Chin
Learning to See not using stored symbols Starting from the BOTTOM Draw the other side, Completing the drawing Exactly start
Learning to See not using stored symbols Drawing the first face was easy because you drew stored symbols. When drawing the second face, you had to think about the line, if it moved in and out , and where it was on the paper. start
Learning to See not using stored symbols We expect to see things oriented in the usual way, that is “Right Side Up.” Then we can: Recognize them Categorize them Name them nose mouth
Learning to See not using stored symbols If we turn the object upside down, the visual clues no longer match. Even well know faces Are difficult to recognize. Nose?? Mouth??
Stored Symbols
Stored Symbols
Stored Symbols
Stored Symbols
Stored Symbols
Stored Symbols
Upside Down Picasso