Idaho Duals’ Programs Medicare Medicaid Coordinated Plan (MMCP) 28,000 full dual eligible in Idaho – around 400 new members each month Medicare Medicaid Coordinated Plan (MMCP) Idaho Medicaid Plus Designed for duals that do not enroll in MMCP Mandatory enrollment – auto-assignment will occur for members that do not select a Health Plan Pilot program in one county live November 2018 Target counties will include 20,000 members by September 2019 Benefit package includes Medicaid behavioral health, skilled nursing facility, and home and community based services. Voluntary, opt-in enrollment structure Operated as a Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (FIDE-SNP) 4,000 enrolled in the MMCP Available in 22 of Idaho’s 44 counties Benefit package includes Medicare A, B and D, in addition to Medicaid behavioral health, skilled nursing facility, and home and community based services.